RKGK / Rakugaki Review: Graffiti Rebel Spreads Creativity in Cap City

Spraying Color Into the Concrete Jungles of Cap City

RKGK was the passion project of Wabisabi Games, an indie studio based in Mexico. Taking inspiration from 90s platformers as well as anime and street art, the developers set out to create a graffiti-themed adventure full of energy and motion.

Players guide the character of Valah through a dystopian city under the control of an oppressive corporation. Determined to spread freedom of expression once more, Valah uses her spray paint skills to add splashes of color across the gray urban landscape wherever she goes. With her robot friend Ayo always at her side, Valah glides over rails and pavement alike, able to hover for a short time thanks to paint droplets left in her wake.

Speed and freedom of movement are at the heart of Rakugaki. Players have the option to rush through levels or take their time exploring. Those seeking challenges can undertake timed runs or set goals focused on hidden objectives.

One task that must not be overlooked is covering blank screens around each area with Valah’s artwork. Only by restoring beauty to the city in this way can she charge her special abilities and continue towards the final confrontation with the nefarious leader behind the oppression. Vivid visuals and a pulsing soundtrack keep energy high on this colorful quest for creative liberation.

Rise Against the Machines

In the not-too-distant future city of Cap City, a nefarious corporation called B Corp has implemented a new form of social control. Giant screens and billboards now blanket the urban landscape, blanketing citizens in subliminal messaging. Under the leadership of the sinister Mr. Buff, B Corp has robbed the city of its vibrancy and turned the people into mindless drones.

Enter Valah, a bold young graffiti artist and the captain of a crew called Rakugaki. With her robot companion Ayo in tow, Valah is determined to take the fight to Mr. Buff and restore freedom to Cap City. She zips around the city on a mission to destroy every screen under B Corp’s domain, one spray-painted tag at a time. But Mr. Buff hasn’t risen to power without a fight. His robotic enforcers prowl the streets, seeking to bring Valah’s rebellious crusade to an end.

The story serving as the backdrop for Rakugaki’s adventure is pleasantly straightforward, prioritizing gameplay over narrative bells and whistles. While the tale of an underground artist battling totalitarian tech certainly feels ripe for deeper exploration, the game wisely keeps the plot streamlined. This allows players to immerse themselves in Rakugaki’s smooth platforming and high-flying hijinks without unnecessary cutscenes pulling them out of the action.

The story is conveyed through comic-book-inspired still frames between levels, but could have benefited from some basic animation to help flesh out its world and characters even further. Regardless, Rakugaki’s minimalist story gets the job done, providing just enough context to fuel endless runs of paint-powered mayhem against B Corp’s machine menace.

Flowing Through Cap City

In RKGK, you take control of Valah, a young graffiti artist rebelling against the dystopian rule of Mr. Buff. With her robotic friend Ayo always by her side, Valah navigates the colorless city of Cap City with flair and finesse. This is where the real draw of RKGK lies—in feeling like you’re dancing through the levels, putting your own creative stamp on the world as you go.

RKGK / Rakugaki Review

Valah has some standard platforming moves, like jumping and stomping enemies. But where she truly excels is through movement enhanced by spray paint. With paint cans in hand, Valah can hover through the air or glide effortlessly across surfaces.

This lends the levels a wonderful fluidity, whether you’re stringing attacks together or taking things at your own pace to search every nook and cranny. Valah’s agility is on full display in Defacer mode too. Activating this amps up her speed and adds new combo abilities, letting you blast through stages in a dazzling spray of color.

Flowing from challenge to challenge is easy thanks to clever level design. Vertical platforms encourage stringing jumps together, while hidden paths lead to bonus objectives. Every new area brings fresh surprises too, like corkscrewing rails or platforms that crumble underfoot. But what never changes is the sense of discovery and your growing mastery of Valah’s abilities. Even repeated stages stay engaging as you look to shave off those extra seconds. And finding new ways to put your signature on the city is its own reward.

Though combat feels secondary, most foes pose little threat individually. Problems only arise in tight spaces where knockback can spell doom. Still, such small issues do little to dull RKGK’s shine. Through creative movement and vibrant self-expression, this game transforms dystopia into a canvas for your imagination. In RKGK, the only limit is how high you dare to soar.

Defacing the City with Color

Within the grimy confines of Cap City, Valah brings illumination. As this rebellious graffiti artist races to outwit the controlling Mr. Buff, players witness her transformation through stunningly sprayed designs. Dark structures take on new life coated in layered hues, instantly enlivening dreary backdrops with radiant expression. Valah’s animated tags erupting across screens evoke the passions of street artists, passionately spewing color wherever she goes.

Developers at Wabisabi clearly embraced their influences, crafting a world that feels drawn from the pages of an anime comic. Robotic enemies take mechanized forms in stark contrast to Valah’s fluid movements. Yet even these machines seem little match for the vibrancy she wields. With a pull of her trigger, foes vanish under cascading shades, while those freed from oppressive propaganda revel in the burst. Throughout each stage, undiscovered canvasses hint at new visions awaiting discovery around each corner.

Between missions, customizing provides further outlets for personality. Earned cosmetics pull from diverse sources, granting options to morph Valah’s appearance with the changing tastes of players. A leveled look transports to retro platformers. Elsewhere, traditional Mexican aesthetics or cosplaying costumes provide new layers of self-expression. Dynamic techno anthems accompany each run, their pounding rhythms instilling further energy into every grind, dash, and aerial maneuver.

Through Valah, children of the streets find means to ensure their voices stay heard. In a world desperate for color, she ensures none remain untouched or uninspired. Her impact breathes new life into a dystopian world, transforming stifling conformity into a radiant spectacle.

Imaginative Infrastructure

The levels in RKGK showcase expert-level design that has something to offer players of all styles. Whether taking things slowly to uncover every secret or blasting through as fast as a spray paint can, the layouts seamlessly support both approaches.

Stages flow with a natural rhythm, easing players into platforming challenges before ramping up difficulty. Vertical sections with rails to grind and jumps between hovering platforms keep momentum going. Later stages incorporate new mechanics, like rotating rooms or underwater segments, to continuously surprise. This puts mastery within reach while keeping experienced players on their toes.

Whether intending to explore or speedrun, levels invite delving into side paths. Coins are sprinkled around for those taking their time, with some tucked away down obscure detours or above daring gaps. Three hidden ghost tokens in each raise the stakes for thorough searchers. Boxes also drop cash when busted, encouraging bustling between obstacles.

Even the perfect difficulty curve can’t spoil the temptation of what mysteries may lie in the next nook or behind the next pyramid of boxes. With collectibles seamlessly interwoven, replaying becomes its own reward as shortcuts and skilled maneuvers shave precious seconds off time.

Memorable boss encounters punctuate the end of each chapter, breaking patterns with creative mechanics before the painting truly begins. Dynamics shifts keep players on their feet, whether surviving a collapsing arena or battling a hulking foe amid the chaos.

Though efficiency means something different to each player, the superlative-level architecture in RKGK brings out the explorer in everyone who loses themselves in its fantastically flowing cityscapes. Almost too many rewards may sap some satisfaction, but the irresistible flow keeps drawing players back for another dance through its shining streets.

Graffiti Revolution

While RKGK’s story can be completed in around eight hours, this is just the beginning for dedicated players. Valah’s mission to liberate Cap City from the oppressive regime of Mr. Buff may end, but the journey of perfecting your skills will continue. Beyond seeing the credits, extra stages and challenges invite you back time and again.

Speedrunning is where many will find their long-term motivation. Racing through stages in record time requires maximizing momentum from start to finish. Learning intricate routes and frame-perfect maneuvers becomes the new goal. Parallel runs focusing on exploration over speed also exist for a change of pace. Finding every hidden relic across sprawling levels is no small task.

For those who just can’t get enough of the spray can, additional time trials are in store. Beating par times on all stages pushes your reflexes to the limit. Optional objectives within levels, like eliminating foes flawlessly or traversing without falling, keep gameplay fresh. Rewards, like new gear for Valah, give you something to show for honing your moves.

Whether perfecting speed or full-clear strategies, the thrill of platforming progression stays alive in RKGK’s side content. With constantly improving personal bests to aim for, you may never want to put down the can. Valah’s rebellious crusade ignites a revolution where fun knows no end.

Graffiti Glory

Rakugaki offers bright bursts of graffiti goodness. Valah speeds through dystopian cityscapes, bringing color into her wake and taking down screens with splendid sprays. Her moves mesh smoothly, letting players pop and pivot with precision. Grinds and slides, coupled with painting prowess, pave paths to victory.

Speedy platforming pleasures pull players through pixel puzzles. Challenges await around each corner to maintain momentum. Secret areas and objectives provide purpose for repeated runs. Yet exploration stays relaxed, letting discoveries emerge naturally amid energized escapades.

Masterful level designs also deserve praise. Vertical ventures and intricate paths keep interest high throughout unfolding environments. Imaginative ideas like water rises or nocturnal navigating further engage the eye and mind. Clever checkpoints avoid frustration too.

While combat cannot compare to flawless freerunning, bosses bring balance with elaborate encounters. Memorable matchups round out each chapter satisfyingly. And a hefty helping of hijinks gives the story just enough charm.

Overall, Rakugaki succeeds in bringing anarchic animation to 3D platforming. Fans of the genres will find fast-paced fun unfolding with style. Speedrun aspirants, too, can slip into the movement groove. This polished debut from Wabisabi bodes well for further graphical gifts and gameplay growth in the future. Rakugaki rightly claims a place as a nostalgia-tinged novelty deserving wider recognition.

The Review

RKGK / Rakugaki

8 Score

Rakugaki delivers a vibrant 3D platforming experience full of charm and precision controls. While its story lacks depth, Wabisabi Games more than makes up for it, with smartly designed levels begging to be mastered through skilled play. Speedrunners will find many opportunities to optimize, but casual players can also appreciate Valah's fluid movement and creative ways to interact with the environment. Some inconsistent combat fails to distract from the excellent graffiti-based mechanics at the heart of the rebellion. Rakugaki shows immense promise for an indie debut, offering a refreshing spin on classic formulas.


  • Tight, fluid movement and level controls
  • Highly replayable stages that encourage speedrunning
  • Creative graffiti and environmental interaction mechanics
  • Bright, visually striking art direction and animated graffiti designs
  • A challenging but fair difficulty curve with hidden shortcuts


  • Predictable, light story, and characterization
  • Some boring, repetitive enemy encounters
  • Occasional camera and collision issues
  • Side challenges may feel overwhelming.
  • The final boss lacks balance.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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