Umbraclaw Review: A Work of Art and a Work of Heart

Kuon's soulful yet frustrating journey

Umbraclaw tells a story of determination and hope. Developed by Inti Creates, the talented studio behind acclaimed series like Mega Man Zero, this experimental platformer casts players as Kuon, a black cat who finds herself in a strange afterlife called the Soulplane after a mysterious death. With only her wits and a special power called Shadowpass, Kuon embarks on a journey to escape this otherworldly realm and return home.

In the Soulplane, lost souls like Kuon must collect mystical keys to break through the boundaries between realms. Along the way, she’ll encounter fearsome beasts and fallen spirits who stand in her way. Fighting is not an option for our feline friend—she possesses no claws or fangs. Instead, Kuon must stealthily evade every threat while seeking aid from the spirits of animals long past who lend her potent but unpredictable new abilities when she perishes.

Through dazzling visuals that bring to mind animated stained glass, Umbraclaw immerses players in a hauntingly beautiful world. Now it’s up to Kuon, with a little help from the players, to navigate this surreal landscape and discover her fate. But in a place where even death has consequences, success will not come easy for our determined four-legged heroine.

A Visual Feast in the Soulplane

Umbraclaw immerses players in a hauntingly gorgeous world through its striking use of visuals. The game eschews pixel art for a painterly style that brings environments and characters to life like moving works of art. Stained glass windows come to mind, yet the animation flows with a fluidity you wouldn’t expect from static panes. Every area, from gloomy tunnels to celestial planes, pulls you into its surreal atmosphere thanks to stylized designs that feel bold and expressive.

Combat brings out creativity too, with bosses possessing distinctive looks matching their personalities. One monster resembles a flying shark, perfectly capturing its menacing essence. You’ll also face mystical creatures like a tiger and a phoenix, each fulfilling their regal identities through imaginative visual flourishes. Even standard foes exhibit weird wonders, keeping gameplay exciting with constant surprises.

Accompanying the aesthetics is a moving soundtrack. Rather than chiptunes, gentle piano and jazz bring calm amidst chaos, accentuating Kuon’s sad solitude. Melodies uplift your spirit as much as successful platforming, rewarding persistence through difficult stages. Voice acting further enhances the experience, whether through narration lending drama or characters owning every line. The passion of all involved ensures every aspect enthralls.

Between its artistic design achieving perfect harmony and its audio elevating emotions, Umbraclaw transports you to a dreamlike afterlife. Its presentation makes a journey through hell feel heavenly for the senses.

Through Hell and Back

Kuon’s journey takes her through four perilous chapters within the nightmarish Soulplane. As a simple housecat, her only weapon is an agile shadow dash that allows phasing past threats. Timing these maneuvers perfectly satisfies, like a perfect note hit in a guitar solo. Even a single mistake spells doom for our feline explorer in this hellish afterlife.

Umbraclaw Review

Should Kuon fall in battle, her soul is not lost. Through the Anima system, she revives with a new companion spirit, each granting intriguing utility. A rabbit’s foot may lend burst speed, while a water bearer brings control over rivers of flame. Starting each stage anew lets your power grow, though risks lurk as well. With death comes corruption, slowly warping Kuon’s form until escape seems forever lost. Resisting this change proves a harrowing internal struggle, like waking from a nightmare only to find it persists.

A turning beast presents its own perils and pleasures. Increased might lets you confront foes head-on in explosive clashes reminiscent of classic brawlers. Yet scaling walls and squeezing through crevices becomes impossible, walling progression behind an agility now lost. Staying true to her humble origins as an ordinary house pet, she maintains an elegant simplicity where perfect timing, not brute force, brings victory. Outsmarting deadly designs through wit over war feels its own reward.

Several difficulty paths exist to suit all players. “Rogue-like” stakes each life meaningfully, while beginner settings offer gentler instruction. “New Game+” preserves all unlockables in fresh runs, giving repeat voyages novel surprises like alternate solutions or pathways previously unseen. Regardless of the selected route, Kuon’s soulful journey resonates with determination that, even in death’s dark dominion, hope may yet light the way home.

Curious Creatures and Clever Contraptions

The stages within Umbraclaw showcase Inti Creates’ imagination with an array of intriguing designs. Players can platform across ice fields that slowly melt beneath their paws or navigate upside-down gravity while bouncing upon enormous chains. Other levels incorporate spiritual lights snaking across colorful skies or geysers, which propel Kuon to new areas. Each area brings something fresh to discover.

However, some challenge ratings felt skewed by enemies positioned in frustrating spots. Challenging encounters are fine, but avoidable placement issues sap enjoyment. Thankfully, being a cat allows for bypassing foes through dashing, rewarding those who take time to learn each area.

Bosses show similar creativity, with frightful forms boasting nightmarish themes. From a flying shark to a tiger who turns areas on their head, fights immerse players in the otherworldly. As a cat, success came from deft maneuvers—not to damage foes directly but to fill a meter by dodging diverse attacks. Different phases then transform encounters, keeping players on their toes throughout. Making the most threatening opponents a test of skill rather than attrition adds replay value for those eager to refine their abilities.

Overall, Inti creates crafted stages packed with peculiar pleasures. While not all balanced perfectly, at their best levels, they enticed exploring strange new lands and expanding one’s skills, whether facing horrors or hurdling hazardous hurdles.

Dreaming of Home

Kuon’s journey through the fantastical yet melancholy Soulplane is one of perseverance and longing for the familiar. As a simple housecat in life, death has ripped her from the comfort of home and thrust her into a hellish landscape. Lost souls wander as angry spirits, corrupted by rage and sorrow. Yet Kuon remains focused on the memories of her owner, Tsukumo, whose gentle care gave her life purpose.

Kuon’s single-minded quest to reunite with Tsukumo allows players to reflect on what really matters most in life. Her ghostly pilgrimage parallels the bittersweet nature of loss—while death divides us from loved ones, their influence continues to shape who we strive to become. Like the flickering glimpses of Kuon’s past in Tsukumo’s presence, cherished bonds transcend physical separation.

This bittersweet tale poses profound questions about personal identity. As Kuon absorbs the anima of fallen creatures, she gradually transforms from a fragile feline to a creature of uncertain nature. Does wielding power mean sacrificing what truly defines the soul? Kuon’s struggle suggests that although outside forces change our form, inner strength comes from embracing our truest selves. By resisting corruption to remain faithful to Tsukumo’s memory, Kuon affirms the resilience of her spirit and of hope in even the darkest of places.

Umbraclaw’s dreamlike storytelling invites reflection on life’s deepest puzzles. What do we cling to when all else slips away? How do we stay true to our essence amidst life’s turbulence? And can love truly conquer even death? Kuon’s poignant adventure leaves these questions resonating long after her pixelated paws carry her at last back home.

The Nightmarish Canvas of Umbraclaw

Within the hellish soulplane of Umbraclaw, nothing is quite as it seems. Towering infernos erupt in grim hues while beastly foes patrol in ghostly light. And yet, it’s all brought to life with captivating detail. This macabre world could easily overwhelm, but its visuals enthrall through a skillful use of dark imagination.

Inti Creates pulls players in with lavish, hand-painted landscapes that feel disturbingly authentic. Sullen tones engulf each location, from rainswept mires to crumbling archives lost in shadow. Even the most nightmarish of springs and traps appear hauntingly elegant in form. It’s an immersive treat to explore such a dreary domain with vibrant textures at every turn.

Of course, true terrors also lurk amid these paintings that come to life. Each enemy explodes with character, whether scuttling endlessly like mechanical monstrosities or oozing with a blobby menace. Bosses prove especially grandiose, taking on tortured yet titanic proportions to match their dreadful might. It’s a testament to the presentation that facing such ghoulish guardians remains a visual thrill rather than mere frustration.

From somber soundscapes to fluid character work, Umbraclaw transports players to a world that, however disturbing, feels viscerally real through virtuosic use of sights and sounds. It’s a nightmare landscape brought to stunning life that will linger long after escaping this hell. Inti Creates shows once more that artistry shines brightest when matching grim themes with dazzling vision.

Hellish Hopes and Frustrating Fates

Within the dark realms of the Soulplane, Inti Creates’ Umbraclaw weaves an artistic tale of a cat’s determined journey. Kuon traverses nightmarish landscapes in her quest to return to her owner, gaining new abilities each time she meets her demise. With gorgeous visuals inspired by stained glass and a moving story of loss and longing, the game draws players deep into its haunting world.

Yet as Kuon nears the end of her quest, the challenges become absurdly tough. The final chapter abandons the carefully built progression in favor of a gauntlet of punishing platforming and boss rushes. With no chance to turn back, a single slip can doom your run and lock you into an unsatisfying ending. While repeat plays may eventually allow mastery, they don’t alter the repetition of trudging through familiar stages once more.

For those eager to experience Umbraclaw’s atmosphere and narrative charms, its artistic triumphs remain. But frustration lurks around the final hurdle. Unless patience for multiple retries abounds, it may be best to await guides ensuring the proper path is found. Under its surface of ethereal beauty lies a game that comes oh so close to greatness, only to lose its way when players need direction most. With a few changes to that crucial late-game challenge, Umbraclaw could have been a true masterpiece. As it stands, its fortunes remain as varied as the souls within its haunting halls.

The Review


7 Score

Umbraclaw weaves a moving tale through its hauntingly picturesque landscapes. Kuon's determined journey to return to her owner kept me invested from start to finish. However, the unjustified spike in difficulty during the final chapter ruins this otherwise engrossing experience. Without the ability to turn back or achieve a satisfying conclusion, repetition becomes the only path to seeing its narrative through, and that repetition grows tiring fast. Umbraclaw shows much promise but ultimately fails to stick to the landing.


  • Gorgeous, painterly artwork and animation
  • Immersive storyline with nuanced themes of life and death
  • Engaging platforming and boss battles for most of the game
  • The cool mechanic of gaining new abilities after each death


  • Extreme difficulty spiked during the final chapter.
  • Inability to turn back or try again at challenging content
  • Repetitive gameplay is required to see multiple endings.
  • Forced reset to the beginning with "bad" endings

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 7
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