Undead Inc. Review: A B-movie Business Sim Takes Shape

Establishing Operations in the Fringes of Legality

Beneath the sterile walls and lab coats lies another side to medicine. In Undead Inc., players take charge of a pharmaceutical franchise facing tougher challenges each day. Balancing care with profit brings difficult choices, some straying from the straight and narrow.

As CEO, your clinic starts with good intentions – diagnosing patients, crafting cures. But franchise fees rise fast, and legal profits don’t keep pace. Temptation grows to explore shadier science offering quicker gold. So morals battle margins in this healthcare horror-comedy.

In this review, through successes and failures, we’ll weight Undead Inc’s merits. Does passionate development outweigh flaws? For those curious about the industry’s seamy seams or intrigued by rich simulations, this examination lays it all on the exam table. Now, let’s get to work – our first patients await.

Taking the Black

Being in charge of your own medical franchise might seem like an easy gig, but Undead Inc. quickly proves otherwise. Juggling clinics, staff and suspicious cops keeps you on your toes at every turn. Though the journey starts simple, temptation to explore darker deals soon calls your name.

Your first order of business involves setting up shop—renting clinic rooms, hiring docs and getting patients through the door. A tutorial eases you into the flow, from scribbling diagnoses to stocking remedy shelves. Cash slowly trickles in as you treat sniffles and sprains the legal way.

But expenses mount just as fast. Each week, “corporate” demands tribute in the form of rising fees. And instead of sympathy, they shorten your deadline to cough up dough. You try pumping out pills and potions round the clock, but legal profits can’t keep up this breakneck pace.

That’s when the real fun begins. Hidden beneath your humble headquarters lies a vast, untouched underworld just waiting to be exploited. A research lab here, black market contacts there, and before you know it a bustling netherworld enterprise blossoms in the depths.

We’re not just talking snake oil sales, either. Experiments spawn all manner of mutations, from engineered plagues to part-man, part-beast monstrosities. It may scandalize the straight-laced, but these unsanctioned serums fetch fat stacks on the shady market. With cronies on the take, you operate with impunity…for now.

Balancing these legal and illegal machinations keeps even the craftiest kingpin on their toes. Staff need coddling to avoid tales out of school. Resources must be syphoned covertly to feed your ravenous research. And when health inspectors or flatfoots poke around, all evidence vanishes in the blink of an eye.

Slip-ups draw heat, from bad press to full-blown raids. But weather these storms and more dark dealings open up. Before long an empire of freaks and fortune sit under your command. How long can you outwit the law and its lackeys? That’s for you to find out in Undead Inc., where only the sneakiest scoundrels get to write their own rules.

Taking up the reins of an unscrupulous medical franchise sees players leaning ever deeper into the black arts. While starting clean keeps the authorities at bay, restrictions stall your rampant ambitions. Thankfully, a hidden laboratory offers a chance to let curiosities run wild, with fortune and infamy theirs to seize.

Managing Moral Mazes

We all like to imagine ourselves the heroes of our own stories. Undead Inc places you in the role of a new pharmaceutical director with the task of keeping a struggling business afloat. Yet choices aren’t always clear between profit and principles.

Undead Inc. Review

You’re tasked with overseeing a medical franchise struggling under rising costs. Legal remedies prove futile, pressuring you into a shadow world of black markets and unsanctioned experiments. While troubling, these underground operations flow with potential for those bold and cunning enough to navigate their complexity.

Buried beneath the story beats of resource juggling and risky rewards lies a craftier consideration. Undead Inc paints its setting in grayscale rather than black and white. We see beyond Surface dealings to motivations murkier still – of shareholders and political patrons whose approval shapes realities far from view.

How tempting then, to justify means by envisioning nobler ends! Yet the road to Hell, as they say, paved with good intentions. And down here in the dirt, where shadow and light intermingle, even angels risk losing their way. For in this twilight world perception shapes more than any truth, and self interest more than charity of spirit.

The game asks not for judgement of any character, but understanding of lives within systems beyond any one player’s control. And reminds us that in this world and its works, simplicity is luxury few can claim. For most, survival demands parsing perspective from perception and principle from possibility – and finding footing on ground that shifts with every step.

Brightening the Drear

Folks appreciate aesthetics that draw ’em deep as any gameplay mechanic. Undead Inc brings its grim tale to life with visuals and audio as all-consuming as an Ozark morning fog.

Detail shares wallspace with bleakness here. Buildings tell stories worse than any sermon, with bricks speaking volumes on past and present pain. Towns seem abandoned save spirit, looking as lived-in as a body looks lively. Yet environments don’t doom – they document, letting imagination fill lacking life without forcing fancies grim.

Sound, too, steers clear of suffocating – it underscores, not overlords. Effects crackle just near or far as suited, keeping players near without ringing true discomfort. Tunes tune sadness without harping on it, letting melodies lift vein-like whispers from dank corners of mind. Mood takes flight on soundscapes subtle as they are scene-setting, ensuring drear dresses right without ever weighing heavy.

While worlds depicted wanna warp strongest-stomached, their rendering lets realism ring through with care. Gloom glows gorgeous as grey skies after rain, showcasing care given both darker details and lighter lifts. Immersion, so easily lost to excess of either edge, finds footing here on ground traversable by all – a rarity as welcome as sunny spells in seasons stormiest.

Juggling Priorities

Folks flock to management sims for thrills of building up something from dust, but Undead Inc packs more punch than most with demands never letting. You’re no sooner sorting one mess than two more spring, keeping fingers dancing faster than any symphony maestro. Between paying franchise fees fit to buy a boat and plagues breaking out likelier than fever swamps, stress stays sky-high – but beating the clock’s what makes heart race!

See, each week costs climb while deadline shrinks to pay what’s owed before Endswell Medical enforcers come knocking. With poxes popping up anytime, every employee matters, yet lone the director can race around to stem outbreaks. No easy task when locations sprawl vast as prairies! Zombies appear as randomly as tornadoes too, so hoping you find where they frolic fast gets tiresome quick. Add it all and pressure mounts like a blizzard in a snow globe.

Autosaves enter as enemies equal to plague, with but one record keeping skin in game. Get stuck in a spot with no way through, and starting over means losing each hard-won triumph. Lose whole crews to rotters just as riches roll in? Back to square one, buddy. And though staff skills grow handsome each try, relying on chance leaves fate dicier than gambling halls. Sure, beating the odds brings a rush, but fair ain’t it for a game so unforgiving.

Yet a management sim worth its salt wouldn’t let success come simply. Undead Inc knows how to keep wits whet and heart pumping, even if bumps emerge needing smoothing over time. Breaking through barricades separating legal from shady sidelines stays compelling as conspiracies themselves, especially when building biotechnologies bizarre as government doomsday plots. With irons in such fires, beating this racket remains an adventure as wacky and fun as any drive-in double feature!

Walking on the Wild Side

Folks flock to games like Undead Inc not just for thrills of management but spice of illegal escapades too. While launching flu shots keeps lights on, underground ops bring special kind of excitement. See, once setting up shop legal-like, new doors open inviting mischief down shadowy passages. There secrets stay safe and profits soar higher than eagles!

First thing striking is breadth of shady sciences calling. Got weapons fans itching to craft like armorers of antiquity. Maybe mechanical muzzle loaders brighten day or armor for bears grizzlier than frontiers. Then biotech boffins dream up serums with kick like circus clowns, tweaking genomes wild as funhouses. Not everything stays under wraps though. Accidents happen when tinkering trumps textbook, turning workers wormfood for weekend.

Staying stealthy keeps Shinra suits off back too. Spies bribe cops blind while goons gun goons, stopping lips from flapping. Truth told such tactics feel tantalizing, likened spy capers silver screened. Still waters run deep beds risk, so care shows vital whatever shores wandered. One misstep pulls plug whole enterprise, erasing hours progress with single mistake. Worse yet attracts attention none foresee fit printing dollars.

More than anything, role of director stays captivating evil. Power corrupts absolutely they say and none know better than CEOs companies like Umbrella before disaster struck warehouse. It’s why fans flock games letting live such fantasies, if only in save files erased by mistakes. Few stop pondering what secrets stay hidden boardroom bigwigs, or deeds done dark keep stock prices rocketing. So enjoy shadows while there, just watch stubbing toes lampposts along means end.

Striking the Right Cord

So in summary, Undead Inc takes a novel idea and runs with it – for better and worse. On one hand, managing an unethical business explores thrilling what-ifs many find intriguing. Steering clear from authorities while expanding operations taps into fantasies of pushing limits. Yet mechanics sometimes feel half-baked where vision exceeds execution. Bugs can sour saves, and missing info makes decisions difficult.

This won’t appeal to all. Those seeking perfect polish opt for triple-A finishes. But aficionados embracing B-flick spirit may find Undead Inc strikes a cord. Despite warts, the core pulsates with potential waiting to shine through repeats. Beneath veneers of grime lurk gems, if patience unearths deeper systems. Bumpy roads often lead places smoother highways miss.

For those curious yet cautious, perhaps wait for updates or sales. Developers show heart for genre blending risk and reward. With refining, thrills could amplify. But diehards craving sly thrills of toeing lines ahead of law find joy amidst its raw, rebellious charms – if overlooking cracks for character. Imperfection sparks imagination where perfection kills it. For fans undaunted by risks, Undead Inc offers replayable entertainment amidst a chilling theme.

The Review

Undead Inc.

7 Score

Despite its flaws, Undead Inc taps into fantasies many find captivating of pushing boundaries and exerting control. At its best, managing operations engages strategic thinking while steering clear of authorities excites risks of the fringes. However, unrefined mechanics and missing details frustrate when complexity deepens. While rough edges dull experience at times, Undead Inc's novel premise and systems glimpsing intrigue shine through. With polishing, this strange hybrid could hit greater highs by realizing vision meets execution. Even in raw form, enough shine through for fans embracing B-movie morals to find value in its rebellious charms.


  • Novel premise of managing an unethical biomedical company
  • Strategic gameplay of expanding operations while avoiding authorities
  • Engaging systems and progression that reward multiple playthroughs
  • Atmospheric visuals that enhance the immersive experience


  • Mechanics feel unfinished or lacking depth at some points
  • Bugs can seriously undermine progression and undermine saves
  • Missing information makes some strategic decisions difficult
  • Learning curve may frustrate some players early on

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 7
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