V Rising Review: A Night to Remember

Baring Fangs and Building an Empire

The night was still young as he emerged from his dark slumber, the memory of his fall from grace still lingering like a shadow. A vampire’s curse now flowed through his veins where life once stirred, granting abilities both deadly and diverse. But in this new world, where time had marched on without him, survival would be hard won.

Banished to the fringes of the land, he would have to rebuild his strength from nothing. Trees would become his earliest allies, granting wood to shape basic tools. Rocks too would offer aid, with stone refined into blades capable of battling the beasts of the night. And through it all, a darker need would rise, a craving that could only be sated by the stolen essence of the living.

Yet survival alone would not satisfy the call of vengeance in his cold heart. Before him lay word of ancient powers, sinister beings who had filled the void of his absence. Each would offer reward for the vampire besting their grim talent—secrets of old, abilities lost to myth, or directives prying open new avenues of industry. But to face these foes would require mastery of combat keen and unforgiving, pitting magic and steel against horror.

This bloody path could be trod alone, with private servers allowing personalized tweaks to better suit one’s tastes. But others might join as well, banding together on PvE servers to aid each other against the terrors of the night. Or on lawless PvP realms, where any encounter could turn to conflict, and the structures of rivals become prizes in a game of eternal dusk. Whatever the road chosen, the resurrected vampire’s rise has only just begun.

Moonlight Masters of Mortality

Beneath the dark forest canopy, a newly awakened vampire emerges from a weathered coffin. With just the tattered clothes on their back and a deep thirst for blood, survival in this hostile world will be a challenge. But this nightwalker is resilient and ready to embrace the shadows. Their journey to reclaim dominion over the dusk has begun.

Crafting provides a means to start small. With simple tools punched from trees and stone, the vampire sets to work harvesting resources. Shelter and gear must come before hunting bigger game. Through patience and persistence, the earliest steps are climbed. Basic work sheds refine gathered materials into usable parts for more advanced builds.

Soon, a sturdier settlement emerges – a modest castle keep within the Elderwood glade. Defensive walls rise as the vampire’s skills blossom. Now, prowling predators can be confronted. Lonely howls echo the call to hunt, their melodies masking approaching dangers. Stronger fangs and fresher blood will make the coming clashes more balanced.

Each bested beast bears new secrets within. Vanquished via vision and valor, these monsters’ might unlocks mystical accomplishments. Additional abilities and arcane architectures are offered as spoils of success. The nightwalker also nourishes on nourishments naughty. Lifting from the fallen, hints of their histories heighten hidden heeding.

With a taste for tenacity, tougher tussles are tried. Larger opponents offer larger lessons, their downfalls yielding larger loot. Customization choices complement these conquests. When obstacles occur, options exist to optimize the operation. Pacing problems pass as provisions permit preparation. Progress proliferates freely.

Under moon mellowed merlot, a masterful multiplier maneuvers the murkiest muzzles. Mastery emerges as experience elevates. Immortality is within arm’s length for this intrepid immortal, illuminated by the eternal eclipse. Their dominion over darkness is due in full… by fang or by fiction, the night is theirs to reign over as royals of the raven realm.

Ruling the Night with Style and Strategy

Vampires who embrace V Rising will find no shortage of ways to sink their teeth into combat. The game delivers fast-paced action with its signature ARPG fighting, featuring a diverse arsenal of skills and abilities. Through experimenting with different upgrade trees, unique styles emerge.

V Rising Review

Players can specialize in melee weapons like axes and dual blades or master ranged magic. The basic Blood magic tree focuses on self-healing and summoning minions into battle. Meanwhile, the Shadow and Chaos paths unleash dark energies through blight and shadowy clones. More advanced skills combine elements to decimate enemies with bouncing electric orbs or tornadoes of infernal flame.

No two encounters are the same thanks to over 50 bosses, each with their own flair. Early quarries like bandit leaders call for quick strikes, while manipulating mobility skills around battlefield hazards wins out against magisters. The toughest foes demand meticulous strategy, watching every tell before narrowly evading swirling purple voids. Conquering these threats unlocks new heights of prowess, from apex legendary gear to tools for crafting one’s own destroyed artifacts.

Outside the castle walls, Rift Incursions beckon those craving an additional challenge. Limited windows intensify these randomized gauntlets against increasingly difficult demons. Rewards come in the form of powerful shards, amplifying abilities for any build. Stronger vampires may also raise the difficulty for those embracing an extra dose of risk and reward.

Whether facing foes alone or alongside allies, V Rising’s depth of combat options ensures the night will never grow stale. Strategic masterminds and button mashing brawlers alike can forge their legend.

Vampire Castles Risen

Castle building is where V Rising truly shines. Designing and detailing your own massive vampire estate can be highly entertaining, with a huge array of functional and cosmetic items to unlock. Everything snaps neatly into place, from floating candelabras to treasure chests that recycle unwanted items.

Compared to some survival games where construction feels like a chore, V Rising makes castle design a breeze. All the parts line up intuitively, with helpful tooltips displaying required materials. Multiple floors expand your options, with private servers allowing up to six imposing stories.

Of course, castles demand upkeep as any good vampire knows. Blood essence keeps structures active, sourced from enemies fallen to fang and claw. This presents little issue offline, stockpiling essence for weeks. But public servers involve risk, with castles dissolving without regular devotion. Neighboring rivals could even seize your lands amidst absence!

Survival aspects like needing shadows from the deadly sun and replenishing one’s crimson reserves believably sell the vampire fantasy. Likewise, maintaining your bastion of the night taps into such themes.

Through customization both structural and aesthetic, castles become more than simple bases but personalized lairs reflecting their dark lords. In V Rising, the undead truly live like royalty once more beneath the light of a risen moon.

Vampire Alliances and Territories

While V Rising can be enjoyed solo, it truly comes alive when playing with others. There is a richness to be found in joining forces with fellow blood drinkers to spread your influence across the land.

Much can be accomplished through cooperation that would prove difficult undertaking alone. Friends allow tasks to be divided for maximum efficiency, from gathering resources to storming formidable foes. Their powers combine with your own to overcome greater challenges. Companions also enrich downtime spent constructing ever more elaborate abodes, as an extra set of hands and eyes generates new ideas. Laughter and lore sharing turn routine chores into festive feasts.

Multiple multiplayer options exist depending on desired interaction. On PvE servers, players band together against computer enemies while sparing one another. Those longing for thrills can join competitive worlds enabling Castle Raids, where the strongest covens seize territory through midnight battles. Recent changes have aimed to balance such contests, encouraging both ferocity and fairness.

However groups organize, nothing quite matches the thrill of jointly hunting notorious villains. Coordinating abilities against cunning leaders tests even the most practiced alliances. But with teamwork, even Dracula himself may fall. Through the nights’ adventures, casual acquaintances often grow into fast friends – and formidable unliving partners.


As you sprint between shadows under the bright noon sun, you can’t help but notice the care taken with V Rising’s visuals. Though somewhat stylized, the haunting landscapes never fail to immerse, from the fog-shrouded forests dense with crows, to the glint of crystal caverns deep below the surface. It’s a gothic fantasy world brought to chilling life.

And what life it has thanks to the enchanting original score! From the lonely piano reflections echoing over misty fields to the grand, sweeping anthems of bosses past, the music draws you in like the finest violin. Every emotion of the vampire condition finds expression, whether loneliness or bloodlust.

There’s also beauty in V Rising’s technical flourishes. Gone are Early Access’ visual roughness—now lighting dazzles, dawn and dusk glow warm, while flora blooms thick. And what performance! Not a stutter across dozens of hours, allowing focus on scheming or fighting unhindered. Vast as the map is, it loads quick as a shadow.

Truly, Stunlock brought their A-game. Graphics shine without compromising accessibility. Audio immerses yet never overwhelms. And through polish, what was once quite good became simply riveting. So join this duskly dance, and let V Rising’s soul snaring senses whisk you away to its lands of lore untold and monsters unnamed—for here is a world that will hold you through both night and day.

Through the Night

The developers at Stunlock Studios have crafted a unique and immersive experience with V Rising. Blending survival and RPG elements, the game pulls you into a mysterious vampire world that feels convincing yet still welcoming to explore.

From the very beginning, V Rising immerses you in its theme by tasking you with basic survival as a newly awakened nightwalker. With the sun as your enemy, you’ll gather resources under moonlight and construct shelters to strengthen your abilities. This familiar opening establishes a strong foundation before introducing lively combat.

Fighting to rise against Vampire hunters and mystical bosses, each encounter tests your tactical skills while advancing your character. Their varied attacks and special powers make every fight thrilling, from early scrums to epic showdowns with ancient enemies. As rewards rain from fallen foes, developing your character through new gear and abilities remains compelling.

However, V Rising truly shines bringing others together. From cooperatively building formidable castles to rival clans vying for control of the night, playing with a cloven brings new dimensions of strategic drama. Two years in early access only strengthened these social elements and sharpened the adventure’s many systems.

Having now stalked through the full story, V Rising offers fans of both survival games and vampire lore an immersive blended experience. Its dark world and detailed systems encourage relentless play into the small hours. For those eager to bare their fangs, the night remains young in the world of V Rising.

The Review

V Rising

8 Score

V Rising presents a vibrant vampire fantasy that entices with its social gameplay and mechanically-refined survival systems. Whether stalking alone or cooperating with a coven, players become fully immersed in a world of nocturnal intrigue and peril.


  • Engaging blend of survival and RPG mechanics
  • Thrilling boss fights and character progression
  • Deep crafting and castle building systems
  • Vibrant vampire theme throughout gameplay
  • Strong social elements and multiplayer support


  • Could use more narrative context and storytelling
  • Some technical limitations for solo play
  • Potential for PvP imbalance on public servers
  • Repetitive combat loops in early-mid game

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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