Charlie Cox Promises Iconic ‘Oner’ Fight Scenes Will Return for Daredevil: Born Again

Star Teases Highly-Anticipated Disney+ Revival Will Live Up to Netflix Show's Acclaimed Action

Fans can breathe a sigh of relief – those jaw-dropping, single-take action sequences that helped define Netflix’s Daredevil series are making a comeback for the Man Without Fear’s next chapter.

During a recent convention appearance, star Charlie Cox confirmed that the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again Disney+ series will indeed feature epic “oner” fight scenes akin to the Netflix show’s revolutionary action choreography.

“Those who are excited by [oners] will not be disappointed,” Cox revealed at Fan Expo Boston, referring to the long, uninterrupted take sequences that allowed Daredevil’s bone-crunching hallway melees to unfold in grounded, visceral fashion.

The actor went on to clarify the filmmaking techniques behind both “true oners” captured in a single, unedited take, as well as those utilizing seamless hidden cuts to stitch multiple shots together into an immersive, continuous flow.

Either way, Cox’s assurance that Daredevil: Born Again will continue embracing these breathtaking cinematic flourishes is sure to delight fans anxious about whether the Disney+ revival can recreate the gritty street-level action that so defined the original Netflix series.

After all, those hallway fight highlights – married with Daredevil’s grounded, morally complex storytelling – elevated the 2015 Marvel series into a cultural phenomenon and critical darling compared to most superhero fare on the small screen.

Daredevil: Born Again

The presence of oners also allowed viewers to more viscerally experience each bone-crunching impact as if they were embedded in the thick of Daredevil’s man-without-fear brutality.

So the confirmation that Born Again will maintain this commitment to inventive, hard-hitting camerawork bodes well for the 18-episode event series living up to the high bar set by its beloved Netflix predecessor.

Especially with stunt coordinator Philip Silvera, who worked on the original Daredevil show, also returning to help choreograph the Disney+ action alongside directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead.

Beyond those tantalizing fight scene teases, plot details remain tightly under wraps for Daredevil: Born Again – which is slated to continue the adventures of Cox’s Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin when it premieres on Disney+ in March 2025.

But with the gritty spirit of the character’s definitive live-action portrayal now officially being recaptured through the return of its most iconic action sequences, anticipation will only grow for this next chapter to honor and elevate Daredevil’s legacy as Marvel’s most grounded, uncompromising superhero saga.

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