Hollywood to Honor Horror Icons with Walk of Fame Stars

Robert Englund and John Carpenter, masters of cinematic terror, to be honored with stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2025

Robert Englund

The Hollywood Walk of Fame is set to welcome two legendary figures from the world of horror cinema in its Class of 2025. Robert Englund, famed for his portrayal of Freddy Krueger, and John Carpenter, the visionary director behind “Halloween,” have been selected to receive stars on the iconic boulevard.

The Walk of Fame Selection Panel of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced their decision as part of a diverse group of honorees that includes acclaimed actors Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, and Jane Fonda, among others. Peter Roth, chairman of the committee, expressed enthusiasm about the upcoming additions, stating, “Each honoree truly embodies the essence of excellence in their respective fields.”

Englund, best known for his role as the nightmarish Freddy Krueger in the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” franchise, took to social media to share his excitement about the honor. His portrayal of the blade-fingered dream stalker has left an indelible mark on horror cinema since the character’s debut in 1984.

Carpenter, whose 1978 slasher film “Halloween” revolutionized the genre, initially responded to the news with characteristic dry humor before expressing gratitude. Beyond “Halloween,” Carpenter’s influential body of work includes cult classics like “The Thing,” “They Live,” and “Escape from L.A.” His contributions extend beyond directing, as he’s also known for composing memorable scores for his films.

The recognition of Englund and Carpenter by the Hollywood Walk of Fame represents a significant acknowledgment for the horror genre, which has often been overlooked by traditional industry accolades. Their induction celebrates not only their individual achievements but also the enduring impact of horror on popular culture and cinema.

While the exact date for the star dedication ceremonies has yet to be announced, fans can expect the events to take place sometime in 2025. As these horror maestros prepare to leave their literal mark on Hollywood Boulevard, their legacies as creators of some of cinema’s most enduring nightmares are firmly secured in film history.

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