Actress Krysten Ritter, known for her iconic portrayal of the hard-drinking private investigator Jessica Jones in the acclaimed Netflix series, has addressed the recent frenzy surrounding her potential return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). A seemingly innocuous social media post by Ritter reignited fan speculation about her reprising the beloved role, much to her surprise.
In an interview with Collider, Ritter expressed her amazement at the overwhelming reaction sparked by a January Instagram post where she sported Jessica Jones’ iconic “Save Our Souls” t-shirt, accompanied by the caption “IYKYK” (“If you know, you know”). The image quickly went viral, with fans interpreting it as a sly tease for Ritter’s potential involvement in the upcoming Disney+ series “Daredevil: Born Again.”
However, Ritter playfully dismissed the notion, attributing the post’s popularity to the character’s enduring appeal rather than any intentional hint at her return. “No, I didn’t [know it would get that response],” she admitted. “I have the shirt. It’s a great t-shirt. It’s one of my favorites, and I was wearing it. I was like, ‘Oh, cute! Is anyone gonna recognize my shirt?’ But yeah, I did notice that it made some waves. That was fun.”
Krysten Ritter shares a new video on Instagram wearing the same shirt as Jessica Jones with the caption:
— Cosmic Marvel (@cosmic_marvel) January 30, 2024
Despite her insistence that the post was merely a celebration of her affection for the character, Ritter expressed her delight at the unexpected fan reaction. “The character means so much to me, as well,” she shared. “It’s funny that one little thoughtless Instagram story of my cute t-shirt that I love [got that reaction].”
Ritter’s portrayal of the no-nonsense, superpowered detective in the Netflix series “Jessica Jones” garnered critical acclaim and a devoted fanbase. With Marvel Studios confirming the canonicity of the Netflix shows within the MCU, and the upcoming “Daredevil: Born Again” series poised to acknowledge events from the previous “Daredevil” series, fans remain hopeful for potential cameos or appearances from beloved characters like Jessica Jones.
While Ritter’s recent comments may have dampened expectations for an imminent return, the overwhelmingly positive fan response serves as a testament to the enduring impact of her performance and the character’s resonance with audiences. As the MCU continues to expand its storytelling canvas, the possibility of revisiting Jessica Jones’ gritty world remains an intriguing prospect for both Marvel and its passionate fanbase.