Tilda Swinton Lends Her Voice to The Deep’s Octopus Lover in The Boys Season 4

In a delightfully bizarre twist, acclaimed British actress Tilda Swinton has lent her voice to Ambrosius, the octopus love interest of the hapless superhero The Deep in the fourth season of The Boys.

As if the misadventures of The Deep, the former member of The Seven and self-proclaimed “Lord of the Seven Seas,” couldn’t get any more outrageous, the fourth season of The Boys has introduced a new element of absurdity: his romantic entanglement with an octopus named Ambrosius. And in a delightfully unexpected casting choice, the voice behind this cephalopod lover is none other than the iconic British actress Tilda Swinton.

For those unfamiliar with the twisted world of The Boys, The Deep’s relationship with Ambrosius was first revealed in the infamous “Herogasm” episode of Season 3. After being caught in a compromising position with the octopus by his fellow superhero Starlight, The Deep’s marriage to his wife Cassandra swiftly unraveled when he suggested bringing Ambrosius into the bedroom.

In Season 4, however, The Deep’s bond with Ambrosius has taken on a new dimension as the octopus begins to speak directly to him, urging him to abandon The Seven and join her underwater. It is at this point that Swinton’s unmistakable voice is introduced, bringing a touch of refined sophistication to the proceedings.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke revealed the serendipitous circumstances that led to Swinton’s involvement in the project. “Once we decided we were going to have Deep have regular conversations with his octopus wife, we just wanted the biggest, classiest British Oscar-winning actress we could possibly find,” Kripke explained. “We didn’t know Tilda. It’s not like some of our other cameos where they’re friends of friends and we reach out to them. We just reached out to a rep and sent her the script. To her everlasting credit, her rep was like, ‘She loves this and thinks it’s hilarious and would love to do it.'”

The Boys

Swinton’s participation in The Boys is not merely a gimmick or a cameo appearance; her vocal performance as Ambrosius serves a deeper narrative purpose. By giving a voice to the octopus, the show provides greater insight into The Deep’s deteriorating mental state and the depths of his loneliness, even among fellow superpowered individuals.

This is not the first time The Deep has heard a celebrity voice in his head. In Season 2, during a hallucinogenic trip, his gills spoke to him with the voice of comedian Patton Oswalt, helping him confront his toxic behavior. These surreal moments highlight The Boys’ ability to blend the absurd with the poignant, creating a unique blend of satire and character development.

As The Boys gears up for its fifth and final season, fans can look forward to more unexpected cameos and bizarre twists, all while exploring the darker themes and consequences of unchecked power. And with Tilda Swinton’s involvement as the voice of Ambrosius, The Deep’s aquatic escapades have taken on a newfound level of sophistication, adding another layer of delightful absurdity to the show’s already twisted narrative.

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