Astro Bot Revealed as Team Asobi’s “Biggest Game” and a New Beginning

The creators of Astro Bot at Sony's Team Asobi describe the upcoming PlayStation 5 game as their largest and most ambitious title yet, representing a major step forward for the beloved robot mascot.

astro bot

In an exciting tease of Astro Bot’s massively expanded scope, the developers at PlayStation’s Team Asobi have dubbed the upcoming PlayStation 5 game as “the biggest” they’ve ever created and a significant “new beginning” for the charming robot hero. While previous Astro Bot outings like the PSVR hit Rescue Mission and PS5 pack-in Astro’s Playroom garnered praise for their creativity, the simply titled Astro Bot aims to elevate the franchise to unprecedented blockbuster heights.

“We wanted to make a big game,” Nicolas Doucet, head of Team Asobi, revealed to Entertainment Weekly. “This is really about going up one notch — really several notches — and having Astro’s big story. We call it Astro Bot because we treat this as a new beginning. That’s a really, really big game. I think for us, that’s the biggest game we’ve ever made.”

Revealed during May’s State of Play showcase, Astro Bot immediately turned heads with its stunningly detailed worlds and unexpected reinventions of iconic PlayStation characters like Nathan Drake, Kratos, and Ico reinterpreted as robots. However, the dazzling graphics appear to be just one aspect of Team Asobi’s ambitious vision.

With over 80 levels spanning lush forests, barren deserts, and volcanic vistas, Astro Bot shapes up to be a massive, varied adventure — a stark contrast to the shorter, more focused experiences of the hero’s previous outings. Doucet confirmed the game will retain the self-referential spirit, doubling down on PlayStation Easter eggs and cameos.

“It’s a kind of eye candy,” Doucet teased about the robotic character renditions. “There’s going to be more. We’re going to be talking over time about what they mean to the game, but, yes, there’s going to be a big reunion. There’s a lot of characters from the PlayStation universe crossing over with Astro’s path.”

Since officially joining PlayStation Studios in 2021 after years of collaborative projects, it’s clear Team Asobi has been given a major opportunity to truly unleash their creative ambitions for the lovable Astro Bot. With tantalizing promises of an epic, cinematic adventure replete with nostalgic surprises, the game could represent a major evolution for the cult favorite mascot into a full-fledged marquee franchise.

While plot details remain under wraps, the sheer scope and eye-popping production values confirm Astro Bot as Team Asobi’s most lavish, painstakingly crafted project to date. When it launches on September 6th as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, fans can expect an adorable yet ambitious new frontier in immersive mascot platforming from the Japanese studio. After over a decade of warm-up acts, Astro Bot is finally getting his well-deserved moment to shine as a bonafide star.

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