Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition Review: A Cult Classic Revived

Jade's Return to the Spotlight

Beyond Good & Evil remains a seminal game for many who explored its imaginative world in the early 2000s. As a tale of intrigue and resistance on a planet besieged by forces both alien and authoritarian, it featured nuanced characters and an engrossing storytelling style that differentiated it from many of its contemporaries. While not a commercial success on initial release, the artistic flair and focus on non-linear exploration ensured it gained a loyal following in subsequent years.

This 20th Anniversary Edition presents the perfect opportunity to revisit Jade’s adventures or experience them for the first time. Ubisoft has undertaken a restoration that modernizes key elements like controls while faithfully retaining the essence of the original. The remastered visuals and live orchestral soundtrack truly enhance immersion in the game’s uniquely eclectic world.

For long-time fans, there are also meaningful additions. A new side quest sheds greater light on the game’s enigmatic lore and teases what’s to come in the long-awaited sequel. Behind-the-scenes content offers fresh insight into the development of this influential title and its revered creator Michel Ancel’s vision.

While some mechanics reflect the era, BG&E’s spirit of fun, adventure, and thoughtful storytelling remains vibrant. This special release ensures a beloved gem can be discovered and rediscovered for years to come.

Beyond Good & Evil’s Engrossing Narrative

Beyond Good & Evil presents a tale of intrigue that draws you into its imaginative world. Players step into the shoes of Jade, a photojournalist living in the thriving port city of Mongoose on planet Hillys. From the outset, the game immerses you in Jade’s life as she cares for a group of orphans at her lighthouse home.

However, darkness looms on the horizon. Hillys is invaded by the mysterious DomZ alien race, subjecting its people to nightly raids. As unrest grows, the questionable tactics of the Alpha Section paramilitary force come under suspicion. Recruited by the underground resistance IRIS, Jade uses her skills behind a camera lens to investigate rumors of the militarists’ sinister schemes.

What follows is a sweeping adventure across both land and sea as Jade infiltrates sprawling Alpha Section facilities and uncovers layered conspiracies. Supporting her every step are colorful allies like Uncle Pey’j the Boar and resistance hacker Double H. Together, they battle hostile foes while avoiding detection with stealth. Throughout, the game keeps you guessing as new revelations continuously surface.

Beyond Good & Evil’s cinematic storytelling made it ahead of its time. While games often focused on shootouts and set pieces back in 2003, this title crafted living, breathing characters you truly cared about. Jade especially charmed players as a brave and intelligent leading lady in a genre still leaning heavily on male protagonists. Her determination to protect others at any cost ensures every mission feels high-stakes.

Memorable side characters and intricate questlines that expand the engrossing plot cemented the game’s cult following. Even 17 years later, its narrative innovativeness and emotional weight leave a strong impression on players both new and returning. For all who experience Jade’s journey, the world of Hillys becomes deeply unforgettable.

Beyond Good & Evil’s Engaging Hybrid of Gameplay

Beyond Good & Evil invites players into a world that seamlessly blends diverse styles of play. Take on the role of reporter Jade as she stealthily infiltrates bases, battles enemies with staff in hand, and pilots hovercraft across the expansive planet surface. The game shows an early mastery of mixing linearly structured levels with rewarding open-world exploration.

Beyond Good & Evil - 20th Anniversary Edition Review

Jade primarily relies on stealth to uncover conspiracies within threatening government facilities. Sneak past guard patrol routes and use your camera to distract foes at opportune moments. Though stealth sections can grow lengthy, their puzzle-like design of tracking patterns and finding alternative routes keeps things interesting. Mastering stealth opens new areas for discovering clues and photo ops.

When stealth fails, combat awaits. Fending off creatures and hostile operatives plays out in close-quarter brawls with Jade’s trusty staff. Despite simple button inputs, reading enemy moves and timing attacks with ally assistance creates engaging skirmishes. Vehicle segments mount lasers to pirate crafts in fast-paced dogfights through canyons.

Open-world driving and sailing transition smoothly between story missions. Exploration rewards include hidden lore, mini-dungeons, and pearls for upgrades. Though the overworld feels small by today’s standards, it immerses through detailed landscapes and active alien hotspots. Seamless transitions between linear zones and expansive areas impress for the time.

This remaster improves the original with reworked controls that maintain fluidity while updating to modern standards. Quality of life changes such as auto-saves relieve frustration for some tougher segments. Updates remain loyal to the game’s spirit instead of radically overhauling systems. Both newcomers and fans can appreciate Beyond Good & Evil’s timeless hybrid of gameplay pioneered during an innovative period for the genre.

Beyond Good & Evil’s Timeless Visual Adventure

This remaster truly shines thanks to its care for the source material. Developers avoid altering the charming, hand-drawn style that defined the original. Upgrades like higher-resolution textures merely enhance vibrant colors and cartoonish characters without dampening expressive designs.

Scenes showcase livelier worlds in both action and nuanced details. Fluid movement and polished animations further immerse players in Jade’s mission. Subtle additions like dynamic lighting bring new depth to familiar settings while honoring the creator’s vision.

A re-recording by the live orchestra lifts the already stirring score to greater heights. Musicians breathe new life into delightful melodies, bolstering courage in tense moments or wonder during exploration. Their passion preserves the whimsy and emotion that enhance every scene.

Technically, the remaster performs flawlessly. Resolutions support crisp visuals, whether docked or portable. While loads still occur between some areas, they remain brief enough to avoid disrupting momentum. Immersion stays intact throughout fast-paced missions and vehicle segments alike.

Developers took care to modernize only where needed, leaving the heart of this classic unchanged. Their focus on respecting the artistry involved ensures Beyond Good & Evil’s visual adventures continue to captivate new players for years to come.

Timeless Tales, Aged Techniques

Beyond Good & Evil’s story stunningly withstands the test of time, though some gameplay stands out more than others. Specifically, stealth segments now show their age, where once they added suspense. Player detection seems arbitrary, dragging out sequences that break immersion.

I couldn’t help but picture improvements—what if visibility depended on real factors like light and noise? Perhaps enemies detected movement in their periphery rather than spotting through walls. Small tweaks could upgrade these scenes without altering the overall experience.

Pearl collecting also accompanies the game from beginning to end. While mini-games and dungeons make procurement exciting, it becomes compulsive over dozens of pearls. The sense of polish I enjoyed was dampened when chasing collectibles outweighed the narrative.

Seeing this mechanic modernized could boost pacing—maybe diversifying objectives or tying rewards directly to missions rather than an arbitrary target. As is, padding risks overshadowing an otherwise tightly plotted experience.

Combat retains simplicity, befitting Jade’s plucky underdog nature against army oppression. Yet mashing through every fight grows stale, and allied AI pathing excels at unintended comedy more than assistance. A bit more nuance, like evasive maneuvers or team combo attacks, could have enhanced encounters without complexity.

Overall, small quality-of-life fixes, not overhauls, hold the most promise for refining aging aspects while protecting what made this tale so timeless and captivating in the first place. Memorably moving storytelling merits a few mechanical upgrades to fully redeem a gaming gem.

Celebrating Fans Old and New

Beyond Good & Evil’s remaster pulls out all the stops to please players, both fresh and familiar. A treasure trove of bonus content awaits those eager to delve deeper. Concept art, videos, and music come alive in interactive museum displays chronicling the game’s creation. Elsewhere, speedrun mode and trophies invite top-skilled challenge-seekers.

A new sidequest also rewards loyal fans. Further exploring Jade’s past provides vital context for the sequel. Impressive care went into crafting this extra narrative piece to neatly set the stage for the anticipated next chapter. While brief, it offers a thoughtful tribute to those whose long wait for the sequel only strengthened their affection.

Perhaps most noteworthy is how well this anniversary edition handles honoring the original while welcoming newcomers. Controls modernize just enough to remove frustrations without disturbing the experience. Accessible auto-saves spare those thrown by tricky stealth the hassle of repetition. At the same time, nothing feels “dumbed down” or simplified to cater to inexperienced players.

Quality shines through in all these added features and flourishes. Ubisoft embraced the opportunity to not just showcase this cult classic but to deepen understandings and relationships between games and gamers, old and new. For all the remaster achieves in graphical upgrades, refined gameplay, and extra avenues of enjoyment, its greatest success lies in the care, respect, and celebration brought to the beloved world of Beyond Good and Evil.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Beyond Good & Evil made its debut nearly two decades ago, but its influence persists to this day. As one of gaming’s earliest cult hits, it paved the way for many story-driven experiences by proving a tightly-woven narrative could be just as compelling as blockbuster action. Jade’s adventures blended depth with freedom of exploration—a formula many open-world games still emulate.

This anniversary edition ensures the original’s magic lives on for new fans. Upgrades make the experience smoother while staying faithful to the vision. With expanded context bridging past and future, it nourishes anticipation for the sequel long-time supporters have waited over 15 years for.

If you’ve yet to meet Jade, her eccentric friends, or unravel the conspiracies of her planet Hillys, this remaster provides the perfect point to dive in. Likewise, returning travelers will appreciate the upgrades and nod to what’s ahead. Beyond Good & Evil’s heart, humor, and thought-provoking story have lost none of their ability to captivate. Its legacy as a pioneering accomplishment in games, art, and storytelling endures.

For those eager to continue Jade’s saga, hope remains that Beyond Good & Evil 2 will do justice to the first’s lofty standards once development concludes. In the meantime, this release ensures the charming original finds a whole new audience to adore its plucky heroes, strange world, and timeless adventure.

The Review

Beyond Good & Evil - 20th Anniversary Edition

8 Score

Beyond Good & Evil HD has plenty to offer both series fans and curious newcomers. While certain elements show their age, the charming story, variety of gameplay, and vibrant world hold up remarkably well two decades later. This remaster brings the exciting adventure of uncovering planetary conspiracies to modern platforms with welcome quality-of-life tweaks. Jade remains one of gaming's most endearing protagonists in a tale that sticks with you long after the credits roll.


  • Engaging story and characters
  • Varied gameplay with combat, stealth, puzzles, and exploration
  • Vibrant world design holds up well.
  • Quality remaster with visual improvements
  • Useful quality-of-life additions like auto-save
  • Extra content bridges the past and future of the series.


  • Certain aspects, like stealth sections, feel dated.
  • Gameplay lacks depth compared to modern standards.
  • Aging technical limitations are apparent at times.
  • More could have been done to modernize some mechanics.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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