Cult Classic Baten Kaitos RPGs Break Free from Nintendo Exclusivity in Surprise Steam Launch

Beloved GameCube Card-Battle Games Get New Life on PC with HD Remasters

Baten Kaitos 1 & 2

In a move sure to delight RPG fans and retro gaming enthusiasts, Bandai Namco has unexpectedly released the Baten Kaitos 1 & 2 HD Remaster on Steam, ending over a year of Nintendo Switch exclusivity for the acclaimed remasters.

The stealth PC launch allows a new audience to experience the unique GameCube classics, which blended real-time combat with a revolutionary “card battler” deck-building system. Originally released in 2003 and 2006 respectively, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and its prequel Baten Kaitos Origins garnered a cult following for their immersive worlds, sharp writing, and genre-melding gameplay.

Last year’s well-received remasters from Bandai Namco not only upscaled the visuals to HD but also added multiple quality-of-life improvements. These include revised UI, remastered character models, new hinttmenus, auto-save, aspect ratio options, and additional gameplay modes like a level-restricted “New Game-” for extra challenge.

While the remasters had previously remained exclusive to Nintendo Switch – following the original games’ GameCube legacy – their surprise arrival on Steam opens them up to a vastly wider PC audience. The collection is currently available for $44.99 with a 10% launch discount until July 1.

The Baten Kaitos games center on a scrappy band of protagonists traversing lush, ethereal landscapes on their “eternal wings” – the manifestation of ancient guardian spirits. Players engage in innovative real-time card battles, tactically building decks and combos with the collectible “magnus” cards representing weapons, spells, and items.

Originally created by Greek-inspired developers tri-Crescendo and Monolith Soft, the imaginative world and battle system struck a chord with many GameCube owners seeking an immersive RPG experience beyond Nintendo’s own franchises.

While not mainstream hits, the titles amassed a passionate cult following and strong critical reception. Their unorthodox combat fused elements of tactical deck-building, real-time action, and menu-based commands in a novel way – somewhat akin to Nintendo’s own RPG experiments like the Mario RPGs.

Now, nearly two decades later, this surprise Steam release provides not only a neat bit of video game preservation but also a chance for new audiences to discover the unique Baten Kaitos games on modern platforms with updated visuals and enhancements.

For RPG and retro gaming enthusiasts who may have missed these ambitious GameCube titles the first time around, the HD remasters present an enticing opportunity to experience their offbeat worlds and genre-meshing mechanics with a fresh coat of paint. The Steam launch solves the issue of console exclusivity, ensuring these cult classics can find new life and relevance in 2024.

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