Kingdom Hearts Saga Lands on Steam, Overshadowing Indie Game Showcase

Square Enix's iconic RPG series makes its Steam debut, but its prominent promotion irks indie developers participating in Steam's Next Fest event.

The Kingdom Hearts

The long-awaited arrival of the Kingdom Hearts series on Steam has been met with both excitement and frustration within the gaming community. While fans rejoiced at the opportunity to experience the iconic RPG franchise on a new platform, indie game developers participating in Steam’s Next Fest event found themselves overshadowed by the prominent promotion of Square Enix’s blockbuster release.

On June 13th, Square Enix launched three Kingdom Hearts bundles on Steam: Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind (DLC). To celebrate this momentous occasion, Valve’s digital storefront replaced the Next Fest banner on its homepage with a gigantic promotional image for Kingdom Hearts.

While this move aimed to capitalize on the excitement surrounding the series’ Steam debut, it inadvertently cast a shadow over the very purpose of Steam Next Fest – to showcase upcoming indie games that often struggle for visibility. Developers and fans alike took to social media platforms, expressing their disappointment and frustration with the decision to prioritize a high-profile AAA title over the indie games actively participating in the event.

“To me, this week belongs to upcoming games and their demos. Not a big AAA title getting even more attention,” tweeted PR Specialist ‘Bloody Good Reviews,’ adding that this wasn’t the first time such an oversight had occurred during a similar event.

Indie game studios, such as Weyrdlets and Eve of Calamity, lamented the lost opportunity to promote their titles effectively, with some noting a significant drop in traffic during the Next Fest period.

“This is pretty upsetting. It is our first time joining Steam Next Fest too,” shared the Weyrdlets team, while Eve of Calamity’s developers expressed bewilderment at their newfound surge in traffic abruptly declining.

While the Kingdom Hearts series’ arrival on Steam is undoubtedly a milestone for fans, the decision to overshadow the Next Fest event with its promotion has struck a nerve with the indie game community. These developers, who often operate with limited resources and visibility, rely heavily on events like Next Fest to garner much-needed attention for their upcoming titles.

Amidst the backlash, Valve has since reverted the Steam homepage banner back to promoting Next Fest, acknowledging the importance of providing a level playing field for indie game developers to showcase their hard work and creativity.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, striking a balance between promoting high-profile releases and supporting the independent gaming scene remains a delicate equilibrium. This incident serves as a reminder of the need for platforms like Steam to prioritize diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that both AAA titles and indie gems receive their well-deserved spotlight.

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