Monster Hunter Stories Review: Simple Joys Amid Familiar Foes

When Monsters Become Man's Best Friend

In a world where hulking beasts tower over the landscape, survival has always meant facing nature’s fiercest predators in battle. However, a new kind of warrior is emerging who believes people and monsters can coexist without conflict. They are called Riders, and they prove every day that a bond of trust can be built even between hunter and hunted.

This philosophy is put to the test in Monster Hunter Stories, a role-playing adventure set in the same realm as Capcom’s iconic Monster Hunter games. While those titles task players with hunting massive wyverns and dragons for their precious hides and materials, Stories takes a more peaceful path.

Here, the towering terrors that mean death in battle elsewhere can become loyal companions. You don’t just track monsters to take their lives—you strive to earn their friendship and ride beside them into combat as an unstoppable duo.

Through hatching colorful creature companions, customizing their skills, and growing alongside them, this review aims to show how Monster Hunter Stories creates a compelling world where even the fiercest beasts can be tamed—if you’re brave enough to try.

Monster Hunting Tales

The beginning draws us into a small village under attack from a mysterious and corrupting force. Friends and neighbors are lost as darkness spreads and threatens all. We meet our young hero, grappling with tragedy while destiny calls. But not alone—two loyal companions pledge to walk whatever path leads to answers and, hopefully, peace.

Our hero has a gift too, an ability entwining their fate with noble beasts of awe and power. With new friend Navirou offering wit and wisdom in turn, they will learn that in our darkest hours, true strength comes from within and bonds between all. The three leave home seeking the source of the shadow, guided by hope and each other. Their journey will teach us that we’re stronger together and test what they’re made of.

Travels bring new allies and reveal old wounds running deep. Prejudice sparks where understanding might bloom. Through trials both physical and emotional, our three find their mettle and in each other. Events shape them into people ready to face what’s to come. They persist where others fall, not for glory but to fulfill a promise—to brothers and village lost, and to a future they can believe in. The dark path lightens when walked shoulder to shoulder with courage, loyalty, and compassion.

By confronting the threat’s heart, they may stop a scourge and save the land. But along the way, a deeper victory is won as the small heal the small and the community rises, strengthened from the ashes of the past. Our hero’s gift proves the least of what they offer this world. Their greatest power has ever been the friendships found and kept alive in memory of why we fight—for home, for hope, and for each other.

Crafting Companions: Forming Friendships in Monster Hunter Stories

Wide open landscapes call out to be discovered in Monster Hunter Stories. As a budding rider, you’ll explore grassy plains, snowcapped mountains, and tangled rainforests teeming with life. Nestled amongst these vibrant settings await hidden monster dens, unassuming pockets of the world that hide secret treasures.

Monster Hunter Stories Review

Enter a den at your own risk, for its owner lurks within. Caverns twist and turn, with eggs dotting the paths like wayward stars awaiting constellations. Approach covertly, and one may join your crew. But alert the mother, and combat ensues—a test of wills to claim her egg unscathed. Success grows your family, whereas failure means starting anew.

Every egg harbors potential, and each hatchling has a future. Back home, these babies learn of power, precision, or swiftness in their strikes. You direct their growth through battle lessons, crafting combos with care. But bonds transcend strategies. Your monsties learn loyalty by following your call on the field with faith in your leadership.

There, turn-based battles unfold like lively choreography. Scout foes to exploit and empower Monsties to shine. A well-placed hit charges your kinship gauge, and when full, mystical bonds activate. You and your Monstie morph mid-fight into a united force, a tandem attack strengthening your hand.

Success breeds success, yet growth demands guidance. Through patience and understanding, seemingly simple pleasures like following paintball trails unlock life’s secrets. One discovery inspires countless others, as every new egg and every strengthened friendship enriches your understanding of yourself and the magnificent world you seek to protect alongside faithful companions.

Rich Regions Ripe for Revelry

Vast terrain awaits within the lands of Monster Hunter Stories. Diverse domains stretch as far as the eye can see, each brimming with their own life, landscapes, and opportunities for adventure. Towering snow-capped peaks give way to arid deserts that shimmer endlessly under the sun. Verdant rainforests conceal mysteries amidst the foliage, teeming with activity both above and below the canopy.

Traversing through these territories unveils new sights with every step. In the snowfields roams a menagerie of furry creatures well-equipped for the chill, their pelts serving as both protection and provision. Further south, restless sands shift constantly while camels and carapaces make the dunes their dwelling. And the woodlands present their own inhabitants, as lush leaves shelter squirrels, serpents, bugs, and beasts. Resources, too, appear according to locale and are prized by craftspeople for the tools and trinkets of their trade.

Visuals have also seen renewal. Textures hold greater detail, and scenery appears even more striking against the sky. Yet the spaces remain spacious, inviting exploration without impediment. It’s gratifying then to witness wildernesses once witnessed solely on small screens now flourish on systems that do them justice. Navigation furthermore proves facile through fast travel between points plotted on maps parsed with ease.

Quests also exist to experience every ecosystem. Objectives entail encountering endemic life, gathering goods, or grappling with formidable foes. Success rewards skills and prestige while deepening relationships with these realms. Their appeal attracts return visits as wanderers appreciate the wilderness in all its natural wonders.

Monster Rewards: Boosting Your Battle Bonders

Customization is key to strengthening your bond with monster battle partners in Stories. Gather materials throughout each unique region to craft tools that help in battles and beyond. Upgrade starter gear with rarer finds to gradually overcome tougher foes. Experiment with forging options as tastes change throughout the journey.

Each monster hatchling joins the quest with innate abilities. Nurture their growth to access new powers and stay one step ahead. Distribute points wisely after every victorious skirmish to continually progress individual strengths. Witness transformations over time, unlocking untapped forms. Yet the journey is what truly empowers each creature.

Deeper customization arrives through gene splicing. By combining genes of different breeds, mold any monster to suit preferred tactics. Transfer swimming skills to a flyer, or grant a bruiser the gift of flames. Endless remixes await, with intuition the sole limit. Experiment fearlessly to generate one-of-a-kind allies perfectly matched to personal playstyles.

Beyond the main path lie optional quests promising rewards for persevering hunters. Strengthen ties with each village by completing tasks. Uncover secrets and earn useful styles. When the final battle is won, another tale awaits, now with higher stakes. New Game+ brings tougher enemies and ever more challenging conquests for those seeking an edge. Craft the ultimate hunter-monster tag team through continual advancement.

Monster Hunter Stories Takes You to a Whole New World

Its vibrant lands come alive with full voice acting for the very first time. Whether you choose English or Japanese, each character speaks with personality. Subtitles also transport you deeper into the story.

A soundtrack that feels both familiar and fresh accompanies your journey. Melodies mix excitement with wonder, mirroring the adventures that unfold. Sound effects immerse you in battle, from the crunch of armor to the roar of a monster.

Technical enhancements breathe new life into the visuals. Updated textures and lighting show greater detail in everything, from rugged terrain to intricate armor. Smoother frame rates let the action flow seamlessly. Loading times stay low, so you spend more time exploring.

Through its audiovisual upgrades, this remaster honors the original while welcoming new fans. Whether you’re continuing an old adventure or starting anew, its technical polish creates the perfect setting to rediscover the magic of the worlds within.

A Ray of Light

Monster Hunter Stories leaves me with hopeful prospects for where the franchise could go next. While the first title had some rough patches, chiefly its repetitive cave explorations, the heartfelt effort shone through. At its best moments, one felt true kinship with their monsties, joining together to overcome challenges through teamwork and trust.

Befriending fearsome beasts turns them from foes into friends, revealing hidden layers of intelligence and personality. Their bonds could shift perspectives on our real-world treatment of animals. Through our monsties, even the mightiest predators seem less threatening and more akin to loyal companions. Stories foster appreciation for monsters as thinking, feeling creatures rather than mere resources.

This open-minded spirit would resonate strongly with young fans taking their first steps in the Monster Hunter world. By starting with empathy instead of aggression, stories cultivate compassion. Its simpler battles also make for a gentler onboarding than numbered titles. Once acclimated, kids could graduate to grittier entries without losing their newly-formed affinity for monsters.

Returning players and creature collectors will happily spend hours seeking every available egg. Remixing genes offers the creativity of pseudo-breeding without moral complications. How amusing to field such unusual duos as a fire-breathing lagiacrus! With elaboration, future monstie customization could prove endlessly entertaining.

Capcom now understands both appeal and potential. Building on this foundation, imaginative sequels could forge lasting bonds between hunters and nature. With more engagement choices and a polished presentation, Monster Hunter Stories might inspire a whole new generation of conservationists. Its heart suggests a brighter path and lights the way.

The Review

Monster Hunter Stories

8 Score

Monster Hunter Stories proves itself a worthy addition to the esteemed franchise, carrying its spirit of discovery into new realms. Though its first foray exhibited some expected growing pains, the compelling core of bond formation between rider and monstie shined through. Subsequent titles would do well to lean more fully into relationships rather than focusing solely on mechanics. With more polishing and emotional heft, this spin-off series envisions a future where appreciation and protection of monsters go hand in hand.


  • Engaging monster collection and customization
  • Strong bond formation between players and Monsties
  • Heartwarming themes of empathy, friendship, and cooperation
  • Appealing to both Monster Hunter fans and newcomers


  • Somewhat repetitive monster den dungeons
  • Lack of control over Monstie actions in battles
  • Basic battles that don't remain challenging
  • Bare Bones story and supporting cast

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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