Nintendo Leaker ‘Pyoro’ Goes Dark After Source Revelation

Bloomberg report sparks turmoil in the world of Nintendo insider information


The world of video game leaks and insider information has been shaken by recent events surrounding the prolific Nintendo leaker known as ‘Pyoro’. Following a Bloomberg report that quoted Pyoro claiming their source works for Nintendo, the leaker has locked their social media account, potentially bringing an end to their run of accurate Nintendo-related leaks.

Pyoro, who had built a reputation for accurately predicting Nintendo Direct announcements, found themselves at the center of controversy after Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier published an article on Friday, June 21st. The report explored the “backend theory” circulating online, which suggested Pyoro had access to Nintendo’s web backend, explaining their ability to leak information about games set to go live on Nintendo’s website immediately after announcements.

In direct messages with Schreier, Pyoro reportedly stated that their source works for Nintendo of Japan, but claimed uncertainty about how the source obtains their information. This admission has raised eyebrows in the gaming community and potentially within Nintendo itself.

The situation took an unexpected turn when Pyoro expressed surprise at their responses being included in the Bloomberg report, tweeting, “Wtf I didn’t know they would include my responses in their report.” Schreier responded, asserting that he had made the terms of their interaction “pretty clear.”

Pyoro’s Twitter account, which had amassed over 100,000 followers, is now locked, suggesting a potential end to their leaking activities. Their final leak before this incident hinted at a top-down Zelda game, which was indeed announced as “The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom” in the recent Nintendo Direct.

Interestingly, the Bloomberg report also noted the emergence of a new leaker who accurately predicted both the Zelda game and a new Mario & Luigi title just before the Nintendo Direct. This development suggests that even as one source of leaks may be closing, others are ready to take its place.

This incident highlights the complex relationship between leakers, journalists, and game companies, raising questions about the ethics of insider information and the potential consequences for those involved. As the situation continues to unfold, the gaming community watches with interest to see how it might affect future leaks and announcements in the industry.

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