Starfield Mods Push Xbox Series S to Unexpected 120FPS Limits

Enterprising modders push the boundaries of Xbox Series S hardware, enabling a high-frame-rate Starfield experience through visual compromises.


In an unprecedented feat of technical prowess, a group of intrepid modders has managed to unlock the potential of the Xbox Series S, enabling the console to run Bethesda’s latest sci-fi epic, Starfield, at a staggering 120 frames per second (FPS). This remarkable achievement not only defies expectations but also showcases the modding community’s unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of gaming hardware.

The groundbreaking Starfield mods, documented in a captivating video, combine a series of visual tweaks and performance enhancements to achieve this remarkable feat. By utilizing mods such as “Uncap FPS for Series S,” “Performance Tweaks (Series S),” “Performance Shadows (Series S),” “Remove Grass,” “Crowd Reducer,” and “No God Rays,” the modders have effectively traded visual fidelity for an unprecedented level of smoothness on the entry-level Xbox console.

While the Xbox Series S reaches a peak of 120FPS with these mods, the experience is not without its drawbacks. The frame rate can be uneven, and screen tearing is a potential issue, as acknowledged by the creator of the “Uncap FPS” mod. Additionally, the visual quality takes a significant hit, with textures, shadows, and environmental details sacrificed in the pursuit of raw performance.

Nonetheless, the fact that Starfield, a game designed with the latest hardware in mind, can achieve such high frame rates on the comparatively underpowered Xbox Series S is a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the modding community. This accomplishment not only pushes the boundaries of what was previously thought possible but also opens new avenues for experimentation and optimization.

It’s important to note that these mods are not officially sanctioned by Bethesda and should be used at the player’s discretion. Starfield was never intended to run at 120FPS on the Xbox Series S, and tampering with the game’s code and settings can potentially lead to unforeseen issues or stability problems.

Regardless of the potential risks, the existence of these mods underscores the enduring appeal of modding and the community’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the gaming experience. As Starfield continues to captivate players across platforms, the modding scene promises to evolve, offering new and exciting ways to explore the vast depths of Bethesda’s meticulously crafted universe.

Whether you’re a seasoned modder or simply a curious observer, the ability to experience Starfield at 120FPS on the Xbox Series S is a remarkable feat that serves as a testament to the boundless potential of the gaming community’s creativity and technical prowess.

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