Super Monkey Ball- Banana Rumble Review: Monkeys Are Back and Balancing Better Than Ever

Arty Games Perfected for Primates of All Ages

The beloved Super Monkey Ball franchise has been delighting fans since making its debut over two decades ago on the GameCube. Players from all over the world have spent countless hours carefully tilting tiny stages, guiding adorable monkeys safely enclosed in translucent balls toward the goal. While the overall concept has remained simple—roll, don’t fall—each new entry sought to expand the experience through new characters, modes, courses, or mechanics.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble continues this tradition on the Nintendo Switch. AiAi and friends embark on a fresh adventure, searching exotic islands for mystical artifacts that will uncover the location of the legendary banana. Beyond advancing the lighthearted plot, Banana Rumble introduces something new to monkey movement—the spin dash. With a press of a button, players can activate a quick burst of speed for their costumed critter. This addition opens up exciting possibilities while still retaining the delicately balanced feel that makes the franchise so beloved.

As in past games, piloting your primate comes with risks. The slightest tilt could mean tumbling helplessly into the abyss, requiring a restart from the last checkpoint. But mastering the mechanics brings such satisfaction. Carefully timing jumps, dashes, and landings allows for shortcuts that shave precious seconds off completion times. Optional goals encourage exploration of each scenery-packed stage’s nooks and crannies. Multiplayer brings the mayhem to new heights, with up to sixteen rollers competing or cooperating in an array of mini-games.

Throughout its adventure-packed campaign and robust online features, Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble proves that small innovations can go a long way in keeping a beloved franchise exciting for both veteran and new players.

Welcome Back to Juicy Island

Nestled between azure seas lies a tropical paradise teaming with life—Juicy Island. Here, AiAi and their spirited simian friends embark on a rollicking exploration, navigating lush jungles and sparkling shores teeming with challenges around every winding path. Across two hundred levels of Adventure Mode, players will find themselves scrambling up cliffs, balanced across rickety bridges, and soaring through the treetops—all with a single, rolling goal in mind.

The early stages introduce players to the island’s natural wonders gently, with wide, forgiving tracks through palm groves and along sandy beaches. Basic obstacles like bumpers and seesaws begin to appear, requiring only light touches to clear. Steadily, levels introduce mechanics like moving platforms and fast-flowing waterways that demand players learn to read the ever-shifting landscape.

Deeper into the jungle, trails grow narrow and perilous. Gaps span cloud-wreathed ravines, tracks snake along cliffsides, and moving elements fly at dizzying speeds. Optional objectives emerge here too, asking players to not just survive the gauntlet but collect bounties of bananas or break the local speed records. For those seeking an added challenge, home in on hidden golden prizes stashed away in the dense canopy overhead.

Of course, nothing gets a monkey where they’re rolling faster than the new Spin Dash. With a charge, players rocket up slopes, zip across chasms, and launch off ramps with abandon. The move fundamentally changes level exploration—what was a minute-long scramble can now be cleared in seconds with daring maneuvers. It also turns completion times into a true test of bravery versus skill.

By the final isles, stages push all skills to their limit. Precise inputs and split-second decisions mean the difference between victory and tumbling into unforgiving waters below. Clearing these ultimate trials takes mastery not just of the monkey’s movement but also an intuitive understanding of how to squeeze seconds from each course with clever trickery.

For all Simian adventurers, whether first-timers or island veterans, Juicy Island offers two hundred chances to experience joyful rollerball rollercoasters. There is no doubt they’ll keep coming back for more.

Monkeying Around Together

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble shines in its multiplayer modes that invite friends together for crazy competition. Up to sixteen players can join online or locally for five different mini-games of Simian skill and mischief.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble Review

In race mode, monkeys hurry to be the fastest across obstacle courses filled with narrow paths, bumpers, and more. Careful steering is key to winning, but with fifteen opponents, it’s easy to get knocked off course! Two teams then battle in Goal Rush, as monkeys wheel around grabbing hoops for points. Bonus goals add to the mayhem as monkeys desperately dash to be first.

Robot Smash and Banana Hunt involve their namesake antics, the former having monkeys charge robots hard for scoring, and the latter a frantic scramble to collect the most fruit. Lastly is Ba-Boom, where monkeys pass a hot potato bomb around until it explodes, eliminating the holder.

No matter the mode, multiplayer unleashes chaos with sixteen brightly colored balls careening together. The Spin Dash comes into its own here—no longer a tool for calculated skill, it’s used in comedic desperation to outwit opponents or make a goal in the nick of time. Items like baseball bats and missiles add to the fun, letting monkeys disrupt each other in new ways.

Whether playing locally on the couch or across the internet, the silliness translates. Monkey laughter and shouts join the on-screen action to make wins feel joyous. And with AI bots filling empty slots, it’s easy for any number of real primates to participate. These mini-games promise longevity too, as returning to best friends’ scores or playing with new monkeys online remains entertaining. No matter who wins, multiplayer modes guarantee Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble keeps the good times rolling.

Monkey Business

Mae the monkey rolled up to the levels with gusto, eager to see what surprises each stage held in store. Completing objectives awarded her banana bucks to spend at Monky Mart, amping up her style and skills along the way. Friendly competition and leaderboards kept her motivated, too.

New bandanas, shades, and sneakers could freshen her look. Stats like speed and agility differed between characters as well, letting Mae test different playstyles. She found GonGon stabilized landings where speedy Baby zipped around faster but lacked grip. Matching moves to mood kept things fresh, whether conquering adventure or multiplayer matches.

Battle arena antics with rivals offered variety and fun. Racing opponents downwards in Goal Rush whipped up windy whirls of fur flying every which way. Robot Smashdown called for well-timed charges that smashed bots for bonus bucks. Random items added friendly fireworks too, with teammates buzzing each other’s balloons.

Customizing brought communities together beyond just gameplay alone. Meeting monkeys with cool kicks or epic threads sparked compliments and game invites. Personalizing one’s persona personalizes the experience as a whole. With so much to unlock and so many ways to accessorize, there was no end to the monkey magic awaiting around each competitive corner or collectathon curve. Mae’s merry monkeys kept on keeping on towards further fruits of their fanciful fashion and feisty feats.

Precision Takes Practice in the Playful Realm of Monkey Business

Guiding tiny simians ensconced in rolling orbs isn’t as simple as it seems. Nimble fingerwork commands both the monkeys and the maze-like stages themselves. A light touch tilts each surface just so, guiding fuzzy passengers to victory. Yet perfection proves elusive when the slightest error means cascading into chaos.

Monkeys tumble with the turn of analog sticks in Sega’s spirited series return. Banana Rumble brings back timeless core gameplay while introducing the aptly named Spin Dash. Blasting forward at full charge, rocketeers take our rescue crew to new heights. Yet unleashing this burst at the wrong moment spells instant doom.

Learning each move’s effect isn’t quickly mastered. Tapping the dash delivers modest momentum, while holding longer unleashes exponentially speedier spins. Timing waits until each attempt recharges as well. Careful restraint or cutting loose attacks prove crucial depending on obstacles en route.

Comparisons circulate regarding past titles’ physics, yet complaints dissipate here. Returning rollers feel nostalgic nuance while still exploring fresh possibilities. Beginning learners likewise latch onto controls more fluidly than before, as familiar fundamentals feel faithfully replicated for all.

Though early stages supply simple slopes, later levels provide plenty to perplex all players. Well-paced increases examine expanding skills through perilous platforms and innovative shortcuts. Success means dancing along diminutive margins, dashing down death-defying declines, and diving daringly at each exit. But practicing patience in pursuit of perfection pays off for dedicated disciples of monkey mayhem.

The Spinning Races of Goal Rush

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble offers players plenty of content beyond its lengthy story mode. Some of the most frantic fun can be found in the multiplayer modes, where monkeys join together but also compete. Whether battling bots or players around the world, fast-paced races develop that blend both cooperation and rivalry.

One standout is Goal Rush, a downhill demolition derby played by teams. A sprawling wedge of land is dotted with goal hoops of various point values. Teams rush to be the first to roll through as many as possible, claiming them in their color before the time expires. It becomes a whirling scramble as monkeys and goal alike careen down the slope. Strategies emerge for herding opponents away from objectives or launching allies towards areas close to being stolen.

Things become more hectic when flashier goals appear, worth double or triple the normal amount. These prize spots trigger a frenzied chase as all monkeys urgently spin towards the reward before another reaches it first. Failed takedowns and haphazard banking shots add an layer of unpredictability, never knowing what monkey or item could suddenly send your ball straying off course.

While winning feels rewarding, simply surviving the slip-sliding stampede with its close calls and narrow misses proves thrilling enough. Goal Rush delivers that signature Super Monkey Ball mayhem while complementing it with just enough structure through its scoring. Whether playing for fun or glory, its downhill derby brings the fast and frenzied fun players keep coming back for.

Monkey Business that’s Just Getting Started

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble neatly wraps up the lengthy absence between new entries, weaving together everything fans love about the series with smart innovations. By bringing the engrossing single-player adventures, chaotic multiplayer hijinks, and deep customization options together, Sega has delivered the complete Monkey Ball package in one shiny banana.

The robust adventure mode shows their understanding of this classic formula. Hundreds of intricate obstacle courses satisfy any skill level, whether you’re carefully navigating narrow paths or launching off ramps like you’re flying from a slingshot. An intuitive Spin Dash adds just the right mix to the mechanics, allowing for exciting shortcuts without disrupting the delicate balancing act at the core of the game.

Meanwhile, multiplayer gets bananas crazier than ever before. Up to 16 simians racing, scoring goals, or bashing bots together is nonstop fun, whether you’re competing against friends locally or random racers online. Modes like Goal Rush perfectly capture Monkey Ball’s essence of high-stakes mayhem.

On top of all this, ongoing unlockables and seasonal content give incentive to keep coming back for more. Decking out your favorite monkey in radical threads remains as silly as ever.

By rolling and tumbling together everything fans love about this iconic series while cleverly evolving its gameplay, Sega has assured Monkey Ball’s party is far from over. This return to form bodes well for even greater adventures ahead. Sega proves some monkeys know just how to improve their tricks.

The Review

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble

8 Score

After over a decade away, Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble triumphantly swings in to continue this classic series' legacy of charmingly chaotic gameplay. With hundreds of clever single-player stages and multiplayer modes supporting up to 16 monkeys, Sega has delivered the complete party package. While not breaking new ground, Banana Rumble strengthens the franchise formula with smart refinements like an intuitive Spin Dash that simplify tricks without diminishing the challenge. Outstanding level design accommodates all player skills while leaving room for mastery. Despite some technical hiccups, Sega proves it still understands the simple joy and replayability at this franchise's heart. Whether navigating precarious courses or racing friends into anarchic multiplayer matches, hours of fun are guaranteed. For both loyal fans and newcomers to this iconic series, Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble rolls out as another delightful bundle of simian skiils and shenanigans. With its engaging gameplay, heartwarming aesthetics, and potential for future content, this monkey sees nothing but bananas ahead.


  • Engaging and refined core gameplay with over 200 well-designed stages
  • Intuitive Spin Dash mechanics add complexity without disrupting balancing challenges.
  • Robust single-player campaign and customization rewards mastery
  • Up to 16-player multiplayer with creative competitive and co-op modes
  • Strong foundations for additional future content


  • Minor framerate dips and technical issues hold it back slightly.
  • Missing some fan-favorite multiplayer modes from past entries
  • Over-reliance on Spin Dash can trivialize some levels.
  • Air controls feel looser than ideal at times.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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