Tales of the Shire: A Cozy Escape Inspired by Covid Lockdown Chaos

Weta Workshop's upcoming Lord of the Rings game offers a tranquil hobbit experience, born from a desire for escapism during the stressful Covid-19 lockdown period.

Tales Of The Shires

In a gaming landscape often dominated by intense action and combat, Weta Workshop’s upcoming title, Tales of the Shire, promises to offer players a refreshingly peaceful escape into the idyllic world of hobbits. Inspired by the chaos and stress of the Covid-19 lockdown period, the game aims to encapsulate the cozy and relaxing atmosphere of the Shire, a beloved setting from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe.

In an interview with GameReactor during the Summer Games Fest, Catherine Booth, game designer at Weta Workshop, shared insights into the game’s conception and development process. She revealed how the pandemic period played a significant role in shaping the concept behind Tales of the Shire, as the team sought to create a soothing and restful experience for players.

“The idea of the game came from that sort of Covid lockdown period,” Booth explained. “We really wanted something that was cozy, something that was relaxing and restful, and I think that the Shire is the perfect setting for that.”

Set between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Tales of the Shire allows players to immerse themselves in a side of Middle-earth that hasn’t been extensively explored before. With its rolling hills and carefree hobbits skipping about the meadows, the game promises a serene and tranquil experience, a stark contrast to the epic battles and perilous quests that often dominate the Lord of the Rings narrative.

To ensure authenticity and adherence to Tolkien’s lore, Weta Workshop has employed the expertise of Darren Ormandy, a Tolkien scholar and writer on the project. Booth emphasized the team’s commitment to staying true to the source material, stating, “Whenever I’ve come up with something and said, ‘Hey, can we do this?’ He’s [Darren Ormandy] like, ‘If you can find it in the book, we can get it in the game,’ and that’s kind of the baseline rule.”

Furthermore, the developers have worked closely with Middle-earth Enterprises, the company responsible for managing the Lord of the Rings intellectual property, to ensure that every aspect of the game fits perfectly within the established lore.

While many Lord of the Rings games have focused on epic battles and high-stakes adventures, Tales of the Shire takes a different approach, offering a non-combat experience that allows players to unwind and find solace in a familiar fantasy world. Booth expressed her desire for players to find a place of relaxation within the game, stating, “I really just wanted people to be able to unwind and find a place of relaxation in a familiar fantasy world.”

Tales of the Shire is slated for release in the latter half of 2024 and will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. As players eagerly await the opportunity to experience the peaceful hobbit lifestyle, the game stands as a testament to the power of art and storytelling in providing respite during challenging times.

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