Union Accuses Microsoft Contractor of Retaliatory Layoffs, Unfair Labor Practices

Communications Workers of America Files Charges Over 160 Job Cuts at Activision QA Testing Firm


The Communications Workers of America (CWA) labor union has leveled accusations of unfair labor practices and illegal retaliation against Lionbridge Technologies, a major contractor that has provided quality assurance testing for Microsoft and Activision games.

In charges filed with the National Labor Relations Board, the CWA alleges that Lionbridge abruptly terminated 160 workers at its Boise, Idaho facility after they engaged in union organizing activities and raised concerns over working conditions. The union states this “entire team” was laid off despite other Lionbridge employees in Mexico and Poland continuing work on the same testing project.

“Workers were told that the reason for their termination was that the project had ended. However, other teams working on the same project in Mexico and Poland continue to work,” the CWA stated.

Compounding the alleged offense, the CWA claims the severance packages offered to the Idaho-based workers “required them to agree to overly broad confidentiality terms and to waive rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act” – a practice the federal labor board deems unlawful.

For the CWA, which has aided employees at both Activision Blizzard and Microsoft in unionization efforts over the past two years, these suspected retaliatory layoffs represent a disturbing pattern from the contractor. In 2016, Lionbridge terminated a unionized team in Bellevue, Washington shortly after they secured a collectively bargained contract – a move the CWA described as blatant “union-busting” at the time.

The union is now calling on Microsoft to enforce its professed labor values by holding suppliers like Lionbridge accountable. In 2021, Microsoft signed a labor neutrality agreement with the CWA that extends to all employees following the close of its still-pending acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Earlier this month, that neutrality pact was expanded to cover workers at ZeniMax Media as well.

As legal proceedings over the alleged unfair practices commence, the CWA’s charges against Lionbridge underscore rising labor tensions across the gaming industry. With increased worker organizing efforts come heightened scrutiny over the treatment of both full-time developers and the contingent workforce supplying essential production support.

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