Until Then Review: This Visual Novel Will Stay With You Long After Playing

How One Game Brought a Distant Culture Close to Home

Released in 2024 by indie studio Polychroma Games, Until Then takes players to the Philippines for a thoughtful coming-of-age story. Set in the city of Malolos in 2014, we follow teenager Mark as he navigates school, explores new relationships, and grapples with strange visions that seem to distort reality.

Beyond Mark’s personal journey, the game also deals with larger events shaking society—a series of devastating natural disasters that the government prefers not to discuss. Beneath the surface of Mark’s mundane high school life, Until Then hints at deeper mysteries and insightful social commentary.

Through seamlessly blending gameplay with character-driven storytelling, the visual novel brings the city of Malolos and its residents to life while examining important themes of memory, truth, and finding purpose during life’s most formative years. An intimate portrait of youth wrapped in poetic intrigue, Until Then shows why narrative-focused games can be just as impactful as any movie or book.

Growing Pains in the Philippines

Life can throw unexpected turns at any age, but growing up brings its own set of particular challenges. For Mark and his friends in Until Then, normal teenage worries are complicated by mysterious events shaking their town. Between school drama and budding romances, they must reckon with larger shadows looming over their hometown.

Protagonist Mark seems like a typical slacker on the surface, shrugging off homework and responsibilities. But there’s loneliness beneath, as he lives alone while his parents work abroad. Music offers solace, though his piano skills lack polish. Things start looking up when new student Nicole catches his eye, yet memories plague him with odd distortions. Some recall futures that haven’t happened, raising doubts about what’s real.

Joining Mark are an eclectic bunch equally grappling with their place in the world. Cathy remains his bold best friend, unafraid to tease with wry grins. Though academically gifted, even straight-A student Louise has secrets, from a mystery beau to repressed feelings for Cathy. The impulsive Sophia brings levity but little regard for consequences. Each plays off others in a way that shows their bond’s depth.

Beneath school antics, greater forces unsettle citizens. Disasters left rural areas ruined over a year ago, but the government stays tight-lipped as hospitals fill. Loss permeates society, yet most carry on as usual. Mark and friends start prying loose facts, yet bringing troubled matters to light may endanger them too. They’ll need to wise up fast as troubles demand growing beyond childhood’s bounds.

In Until Then, characters feel authentic in their flawed complexities. Teenage pressures and private pains surface through subplots hinting at deeper selves beneath. Bonds between peers feel genuine as they lean on each other during unsteady periods. Together, they just may develop what’s needed to face threats and unlock truths in this coming-of-age mystery.

Journeying Through Mark’s World

Until Then presents Mark’s story primarily through visual novel-style mechanics. Players navigate dialogue trees and text conversations to learn about Mark and his friends. Conversation branches are limited but offer a sense of participating in their lives.

Until Then Review

Much time is spent reading the cast’s engaging discussions. Mark’s conversations with Cathy and his new friend Nicole feel authentic, revealing their personalities through supportive levity mixed with adolescent anxiety. Texts from schoolmates add context, while hidden details bring intrigue.

Politely reading at your own pace respects each character. Yet options to quicken text help engaged players progress smoothly. This balance of player control and narrative immersion serves Mark’s journey well.

Brief moments shift to exploration when Mark walks neighborhoods, witnessing daily scenes. Subtle movement prevents detachment from his experiences. Locations beautifully crafted in pixel art evoke tight-knit community warmth.

Mini-games like perfecting piano pieces entertain briefly without disrupting the drama. Deeper interactions with friends’ profiles or online articles deepen understanding subtly without overload.

Overall, interactivity enhances rather than drives the story. Despite limited choices, a sense of participating in Mark’s circle develops. Reading remains central to their company and growth, as do the sensitive issues Mark faces, but gentle interactions contextualize struggles within caring relationships and a vibrant setting. The result is a guiding-hand experience that brings Mark’s formative world to life.

Vivid Worlds and Moving Music in Until Then

The developers at Polychroma Games have created a beautifully detailed world within Until Then. Players explore lush pixel art environments that immerse you in the atmosphere of modern-day Philippines.

Subtle touches bring the setting to life, like overhead fans circling softly in classrooms and the sounds of early morning traffic drifting through open windows. Contextual noise like voices and generators situates you precisely within bustling hospital floors. Whether traversing busy streets or scaling rooftops for solitude, you feel transported.

The characters pop against these idyllic backdrops. Close-up animations imbue everyday moments with heartwarming emotions. Characters discuss crucial issues with nuanced care, avoiding tropes for genuine struggles. Their thoughtful words are as finely crafted as the pixel portraiture depicting each reaction.

Moving the story in equal measure, the soundtrack subtly shifts to mirror changing feelings. The opening piano resonates with youthful curiosity, building relationships through lows and highs. Instrumentals evoke specific scenes with tremendous care. Quieter keys bring bittersweet nostalgia when revisiting past dialog. Together, the score and effects match the visuals to set a perfectly balanced mood.

Until then, it thrives through its multi-sensory world-building. Players feel truly present from animated portrayals and location details apparent to other senses. By envisioning settings and characters with such attentive artistry and weaving complementary soundscapes, the developers craft emotive spaces that linger long after closing the game. Their mastery of multi-disciplinary storytelling ensures this journey immerses and impacts players through vivid worlds and moving music.

Pinoy Pride and Passions of Youth

Until Then explores what it means to come of age in the vibrant yet politically turbulent setting of the Philippines. Protagonist Mark juggles schoolwork with social circles and budding romances, all while strange events loom in the backdrop.

Mark’s town feels alive with local flavor, from street market stalls to videoke bars. References to figures like Captain Barbell show how the game honors Filipino pop culture. Mark also connects with family through care packages containing favorite movies. Developing a sense of identity amid your homeland’s artistic riches is a theme many youth can relate to.

Relationships are naturally complex at this stage of life. Mark finds comfort in trusted friends like outgoing Cathy and brainy Louise, but their dynamic shifts as passions emerge. Navigating changing feelings tests even the sturdiest of bonds. New student Nicole piques Mark’s interest, yet lingering doubts can stunt fledgling romance.

Isolation also weighs on Mark’s parents abroad. He seeks purpose through piano, though discipline proves elusive. Melodies become a window for introspection and a means to express emotions that are too complex for words. Music offers solace yet demands its own growing pains.

In a time of tumult, answers seem everywhere opaque. Unexplained events leave ordinary reality in doubt, as do the motives of those in power. While hoping for stability, Mark realizes that some mysteries defy easy resolution. Life presses on amid uncertainty.

Through fully-formed characters and their interwoven stories of hope, heartache, and hidden histories, Until Then taps into universal pains and pleasures that have fueled countless young dreams. Its warm yet questioning spirit resonates across borders.

Pixel Stories

The characters of Until Then come to life through vivid writing. Mark and his friends feel real, with relatable interests and quirks. You connect with each character’s unique worries and dreams as high schoolers finding their way.

The slow build lets you spend quality time with this group. Minor moments feel authentic, from playful texts to casual conversations at school. Backstories unfold naturally over chapters as trust grows between Mark and his new friends.

Big plot points land effectively thanks to the strong foundation laid. Laughs and sighs emerge unexpectedly alongside twists, revealing deeper layers beneath the surface. Mystery pulls you along a riveting journey with surprises up its sleeve.

By the end, you’ve witnessed growth in these young people and feel pride in how far they’ve come. Though challenges remain, new strengths and support systems give hope. The story brings a satisfying end while leaving the future partly open, as life does.

Until then, it brings the small screen to life through expert crafting of character, world, and story. Its pixelated palette tells a timeless tale of finding purpose and belonging that lingers long after the credits roll.

The Journey Through Teendom

Mark’s story in Until Then takes players on a memorable journey through the highs and lows of teenage life. We see him navigate friendships and first loves while also confronting deeper mysteries.

Through it all, the character development shines. Mark and his classmates feel authentic in their messy complexities. Their evolving relationships keep you invested in each new discovery.

It’s a visual novel, so expectations of interactivity should stay modest. But well-written dialogue and social media mechanics still draw you in. Some scenes could have been trimmed, yet their purpose becomes clearer later on.

The tale shows real potential that deserves fulfillment. A few tweaks could tighten plotting and pacing in areas. More robust choices might also enhance replay value.

Yet its glimpse into the Philippine setting and culture adds such richness. And the surprising late events give new layers of meaning throughout. If expanded just right, this story could deeply resonate with many more players.

Mark’s journey may not be over. This is a coming-of-age we all underwent, and lessons that still ring true. Until then, it brings its relatable struggles beautifully to the screen. For that empathy alone, this game deserves praise—and perhaps still more of the tale to be told.

The Review

Until Then

8 Score

Until Then tells an impactful coming-of-age story with heart. Its characters feel authentic, and examining life's mysteries through their eyes keeps you engaged. While some pacing could be tighter, the visuals immerse you in their world. Most impressive is how it taps into universal themes we all face growing up. For bringing these dramatic highs and lows to light through an affectionate Philippine lens, Polychroma Games is to be commended.


  • Gorgeous pixel art style that immerses the player
  • Relatable and well-written characters
  • Examines universal themes of personal growth
  • Authentically captures Philippine culture and setting


  • Some narrative scenes could be tighter or shorter.
  • Lack of robust gameplay choices
  • Minor interface/text speed issues

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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