Fans of Netflix’s beloved animated fantasy series “The Dragon Prince” have much to look forward to this summer, as the platform has confirmed the premiere of the show’s highly anticipated sixth season, as well as the launch of a new mobile game set in the expansive world of Xadia.
Season 6 of “The Dragon Prince”, which has been given the subtitle “Mystery of Aaravos”, is set to debut on Netflix on July 26th, about a year after the release of the series’ fifth season. While plot details remain under wraps, the new season promises to continue the quest for peace in Xadia, which will ultimately culminate in the show’s seventh and final installment.
Concurrent with the season 6 premiere, Netflix will also be launching “The Dragon Prince: Xadia”, a new mobile game that will allow players to step into the boots of Xadia’s greatest champions and team up in cooperative missions to battle iconic villains from the series. The game was first announced in 2019 under the working title “Project Arcanum” and has been in development for several years.
“In the game, explore the world of Xadia with heroes from the series. Step into the boots of Xadia’s greatest champions, team up in co-op missions to fight iconic Dragon Prince villains, and discover new stories with all the heart, humor, and high stakes the series is known for,” according to the game’s updated description.
The release of “The Dragon Prince: Xadia” mobile game on July 30th, 2024 will coincide with the season 6 premiere, further expanding the show’s narrative universe and providing fans with additional ways to immerse themselves in the fantastical world of Xadia.
“The Dragon Prince” was created by Justin Richmond and Aaron Ehasz for Netflix, with the first season premiering in 2018. The series has since adopted the subtitle “Mystery of Aaravos” from season 4 onward, taking a darker and more mysterious turn as the overarching narrative continues to unfold.
Alongside the main voice cast, which includes the likes of Jack De Sena, Paula Burrows, and Sasha Rojen, the show’s creative team has expanded over the years, with various writers and directors contributing to the series’ richly detailed and imaginative storytelling.
With the penultimate season of “The Dragon Prince” set to debut in just a few months, and the new Xadia mobile game providing an additional interactive element, fans of the series have much to look forward to as the saga of Xadia nears its epic conclusion.