Superman Set Leaks Unveil First Look at Green Lantern and Hawkgirl

Leaked set images offer fans a glimpse of Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner and Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl in James Gunn's upcoming Superman film

superman 2025

In a flurry of excitement for DC fans, new leaked set photos from James Gunn’s highly anticipated “Superman” have revealed the first looks at two iconic DC heroes: Green Lantern Guy Gardner, played by Nathan Fillion, and Hawkgirl, portrayed by Isabela Merced. These images, shared by, have set the internet abuzz with speculation and enthusiasm about the expanding DC Universe under Gunn’s direction.

The leaked photos show Superman (David Corenswet), Mr. Terrific (Edi Gathegi), Guy Gardner, and Hawkgirl among a crowd of onlookers. Notably, the costumes appear to be primitive versions of their comic book counterparts, leading to fan theories that these outfits might be early iterations created by LordTech, with more comics-accurate versions potentially appearing later in the film.

One striking aspect of the costumes is their predominantly white color scheme, a departure from the characters’ traditional looks. Hawkgirl’s iconic wings are absent, and Green Lantern’s suit lacks its signature green hue. However, the Green Lantern logo remains prominently displayed, maintaining a crucial link to the character’s comic book origins.

Nathan Fillion, who plays Guy Gardner, has described his character as “90% flawed,” emphasizing the human aspects of these superheroes. “The reality is that people have flaws. We all have quirks. We all have vulnerabilities,” Fillion stated, hinting at a more nuanced portrayal of the often brash and overconfident Green Lantern.

The set photos also reveal an interesting change to Mr. Terrific’s character. Instead of the comic book version’s ability to fly using two supporting orbs, Gunn’s adaptation appears to have equipped him with a jetpack.

These leaks follow a series of other set photo revelations, including glimpses of Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane in her iconic purple outfit, Wendell Pierce as Perry White, and Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor. The steady stream of leaks has only fueled fan excitement for the film, which is set to launch the new DC Universe.

James Gunn’s approach to “Superman” seems to be a blend of honoring comic book traditions while introducing fresh interpretations. The decision to use practical costumes for characters like Green Lantern, rather than relying heavily on CGI, has been particularly well-received by fans, especially in light of criticisms aimed at the 2011 “Green Lantern” film starring Ryan Reynolds.

As speculation continues to mount, fans are eagerly awaiting official reveals and more information about how these characters will fit into Gunn’s vision for the DC Universe. With its diverse cast of both well-known and lesser-known DC heroes, “Superman” is shaping up to be a pivotal film in the superhero genre.

“Superman” is scheduled for release on July 11, 2025, marking the beginning of a new era for DC on the big screen. As production continues, fans can expect more surprises and reveals in the coming months, building anticipation for what promises to be a fresh take on the Man of Steel and his superhero colleagues.

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