Noreya: The Gold Project Review: A Glimmer of Potential

When puzzles outshine swords

Hidden within the lush, pixelated forests and ominous underground catacombs of Noreya lies a tale of vengeance and redemption. As Kali, players find themselves entrenched in an epic struggle between the gods of light and gold after tragedy strikes their peaceful pilgrimage. With friends fallen and new mysterious powers awakened, it’s up to Kali alone to face the darkness that has overtaken the land.

Developed by Dreamirl, Noreya was released on Steam last year after over a year of early access. Playing like a classic Metroidvania, players must navigate the interwoven map, using newly acquired abilities to unlock new areas and reach ever greater heights. Combat skills and stat-boosting prayers to the rival gods are crucial as well, with different choices reshaping the very world around you. Exploration and discovery are key, as hidden shortcuts, treasure, and fearsome foes await around every corner.

It’s a familiar setup with fresh twists that offer players meaningful choices to guide their adventure. But does Noreya rise above repetition to carve its own niche? Join Kali on her quest through the light and shadows of Noreya to find out.

Traveling the Lands of Noreya

The lands of Noreya are beautifully crafted, with Dreamirl’s pixelated vision shining through in even the smallest details. Kali’s journey sees her traversing lush golden forests, shadowy underground catacombs, and more, all brought to life with charming 16-bit style. Subtle animations bellow in the wind or sway with stance, keeping the world feeling vibrant at every turn.

Enemies fit their haunting domains too. From twisted thorns to flying mantises, each fits their realm with an eerie grace. Yet some could cause frustration. Unseen projectiles in darkness paired snap reactions, testing patience. Still, even the grimmest foes showcase the care infused into each design.

Helping spellbind the sights further is a spellbinding soundtrack. From eerie echoes in tombs to epic strings in boss battles, the score sets a spellbinding scene. Melodies meld with the surroundings to heighten each haunt or hurry exploration. Mysterious pianos whisper in the glades while brass bellows in final confrontations, emotions expertly amplified.

It’s a testament to the passion poured into honoring gaming’s past. Noreya grasps nostalgia’s magic through modern means, with graphics gripping while paying respect to roots. And with a smorgasbord of lands to uncover, Kali’s pilgrimage promises plenty of beauty to take in along her journey towards redemption.

Expanding Horizons in Noreya

Kali’s journey sees her tapping into newfound powers through Noreya’s daring gameplay systems. Chief among these is the sprawling skill tree, branching with options to customize Kali as you will. Leveling up unleashes melee maestry or boosts defenses, letting you carve your own path of steel and shields. What’s more, gods grant their favor through prayer, amplifying abilities through divine doctrines of light or gold. Loyalty brings unique upgrades, reshaping maps with each playthrough.

Noreya: The Gold Review

Movement feels fluid from the off, with wall jumps and balances boosting exploration. These help uncover Noreya’s nooks, hinting at platforming puzzles that are delightful to decipher. Combat proves a mixed bag; enemies’ erratic assaults sometimes throw flow asunder. While combos come together nicely, enemy variety feels like bare bones. Still, creative boss ceremonies compensate, interweaving inventive mechanics amongst the mayhem.

Longevity depends on how many endings entice replay. A single session delivers fifteen hours easily, yet repeated runs reward detecting clues missed prior. Skill trees spawn fresh tactics too, and each prayer permutation puts a spin on familiar worlds. Performance did stumble for this viewer, but upcoming patches will likely polish these hiccups. Overall, Noreya provides a splendid sandbox to return to regularly, expanding horizons again and again through fresh discoveries.

Beautiful Boundaries in Noreya

Kali’s journey sees her traversing stunning vistas within Noreya. The world feels vibrantly connected, with ample room for wandering down fresh pathways. Upgrades make previously barred areas accessible, nourishing that Metroid magic. Wall-jumping or ghosting spirited me to overlook alcoves, scattering scrap for stronger swings.

Puzzles sprinkle the proceedings nicely. Some brainteasers saw manipulating surroundings, flipping switches, or shifting phases. Solving each released that rewarding rush. Though combat lacks panache, creative conundrums compensate. Fans of evasive environmental antics will find moments to savor.

However, surroundings suffer from scattered similarity. Footsoldiers and foes repeat incessantly, lacking flair. With furloughed funds, livelier enemies or tweaked tactics could spice situations. Repetitive reckoners risk wearing welcome thin. As pages passed, scuffles seemed to stalled.

Bosses fare better with gimmicks than gameplay. First facing Crawley, web-slinging, and platform-dodging, I tested tempers thoroughly. Later, a fiend fought in a dark-held intrigue, as learning tells. Concentrated battles break the routine delightfully. Overall, Noreya gifts gorgeous grottos. But varied villains could elevate valiant voyages even higher.

Perhaps upcoming updates will tweak TEDium. For now, charming creativity, wonderous wonders, and gripping glimpses into new nooks nourish Noreya’s strengths. Puzzlers and production pack plenty of pleasure, outweighing minor monotony. Those seeking Metroid-style magic amidst mystical motifs will find much to admire in Noreya.

Journey of Redemption

Protagonist Kali takes to Noreya’s pathways, seeking vengeance. Her companions have fallen to shadowy beasts, and the brave fighter wakes with mystical powers. Two gods vie for her loyalty: Light, renewing the wounded world, and Gold, granting martial prowess through the corrosion of the soul.

Kali’s pilgrimage sees her swept into spirited puzzles and platforming, learning fabled skills across divine-touched shrines. Wall-jumps and warps take her to lurking horrors, developing via stat-ups and spells. Through this, Kali’s thirst for reprisal drives exploration of Noreya’s environs.

Yet the story plays second fiddle here. Kali’s tale serves more as a backdrop and motivation for the Metroidvania gameplay that stands out. Players become less absorbed in plot points and more adept at unlocking new areas through mastery of moves. Kali’s role feels functional—a vessel for players to directly experience satisfying sequence-breaking.

Such lends Noreya a sense of player-driven epic. Kali’s role feels minimal, while providing just enough motivation to search each nook. The focus lands not on narrative beats but on inventive level and puzzle design, challenging brave souls to push further into the shadows of Noreya. For those seeking gameplay first, this approach triumphs.

Striking the Right Balance

Combat in Noreya proves the trickiest aspect of getting just right. Kali’s basic sword moves work well enough, letting players swiftly swipe through early enemies. But issues emerge later as foes grow faster, hit harder, and survive longer. Without options like dodging or parrying, staying alive demands precision.

Some bosses take this too far. The darkness arena left scrambling with only a flashing light to react. More warning would help smooth the experience. Overall, balancing difficulties across the game could use refining. Enemies scaling up isn’t bad, but giving Kali more survival tools would maintain the fun.

Where Noreya excels remains in customization. Freely altering Kali’s skill tree grants so much control. Feeling stuck? Simply respect and rebuild stronger. Want a change of playstyle? The gods ensure new builds are just prayers away. This freedom adds replay value and makes experimenting less stressful.

Perhaps future updates might expand combat in some way. Extra moves unlocked through challenges could introduce fresh mechanics while being earned. More upgrades to damage, defense, and mobility would scale up the engaging gameplay at a reasonable pace, too.

Certain foes pushing the limits now also push some away from fully experiencing Noreya’s puzzles and worlds. A difficulty setting may let all adventurers brave the shadows in their own way. While challenge has its place, accessibility ensures the most get to enjoy fantastical realms of light and gold.

All in all, the solid foundations are there. Some fine-tuning of fights and options could elevate Noreya to new heights. But for Metroidvania fans, its rewarding journeys, atmospheric lands, and customization keep enchanting from beginning to end. With the care shown here, future updates may let its gems shine for an even wider audience.

Destiny and Determination

Looking back on my adventure through Noreya’s diverse lands, a few things stand out the most. Chief among them would be the dazzlingly detailed worlds awaiting discovery around every corner. From lush forests of emerald and gold to the mysterious depths of ancient tombs, Dreamirl’s pixelated palette brings each biome to vibrant life. Equal praise goes to the imaginative puzzles scattered throughout, rewarding experimentation with ghostly powers.

It’s also fair to say that combat could use some refinement. While upgrading skills helped, restrictive movesets against faster foes grew frustrating. More options for maneuvering or damaging foes would balance the challenge better. And some bosses pushed difficulty too far into unfair territory.

Yet, despite flaws, the fundamentals remain solid. Exploring Noreya remains a relaxing quest as you unlock new levels and customize your hero. And its focus on choice ensures replay value for experimenting down different godly paths.

Overall, Metroidvania fans looking for a chill, lower-stress adventure full of secrets should find much to appreciate. Dreamirl shows clear enthusiasm, and addressing issues could yield great improvements. For now, Noreya shows promise—aand determination to continue shining light on such imaginative lands will be rewarded. Its beauty remains well worth beholding for those seeking enchanting new worlds to get lost in.

The Review

Noreya: The Gold

7 Score

Noreya: The Gold Project presents an enchanting world well worth exploring, even if it fails to fully capitalize on its potential. Dreamirl displays a clear passion for crafting atmospheric lands to get lost in, and customizable builds add diverse replay value. While combat could use sharpening and difficulty balancing proves uneven, quality puzzles, secrets, and lower-stress gameplay make this a quality option for Metroidvania fans looking for a gorgeous new fantastical realm.


  • Beautiful 2D pixel art worlds with diverse biomes
  • Engaging puzzles with ghostly abilities
  • Choices in character builds and skill trees
  • Lower difficulty makes it accessible.
  • Good replay value to explore different paths


  • Combat feels loose and unpolished at times.
  • Boss battles can be unfairly difficult.
  • Performance issues during the late game
  • Doesn't fully innovate on the metroidvania formula
  • Limited combat options restrict maneuvering.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 7
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