Zenless Zone Zero Review: A Cinematic and Stylish Roguelike Experience

Combat, Exploration, and Stories in a Cyberpunk World

Beyond the city streets lie mysterious pocket worlds harboring untold treasures and terrors. New Eridu’s intrepid “Hollow Raiders” seek fortune in these shattered landscapes known as Hollows, guided from afar by gifted hackers called Proxies. You play as a proxy named Belle or Wise, helping Raiders plumb the depths of such places from the safety of your video shop.

Using cybernetically linked drones called Bangboos, you see through a Raider’s eyes and assist their exposure. Each hollow presents a different maze of ruined cityscapes styled as flickering television screens. Solving puzzles and skirmishing foes alike, Raiders advance towards objectives while you watch for dangers. Combat sees Raider trios starring flashy attacks, clever uses of elemental powers, and well-timed teamwork.

Though hollow diving grows riskier over time, rewards make the risk worthwhile. Various missions task Raiders with scavenging loot, battling monsters, or unraveling mysteries. Currencies let Proxy and Raider alike upgrade gear, recruit new partners, or treat themselves to cityside comforts between runs. Beyond survival, discovery drives Raiders ever deeper into the enchanting unknown of the Hollows.

Exploring a Post-Cataclysm World

The siblings Belle and Wise make their living in the bustling city of New Eridu, one of the last havens from a mysterious event that ripped open dimensions called Hollows. Within these hollows lurk strange mutated creatures, but also valuable resources. Belle and Wise work as Proxies, using an empathic link to guide teams known as Hollow Raiders into the hazardous worlds beyond.

The siblings operate under the alias Phaethon, their front being a nostalgic video store called Random Play. Here, customers browse selections both old and new, while Belle and Wise quietly arrange more profitable “commissions.” But exploring the Hollows is illegal and done through back channels, with the risk paying off for those brave enough to delve into the unknown.

Leading raids into the Hollows are the first characters you meet: the stalwart Anby, the enthusiastic but erratic Billy Kid, and the sly Nicole. Each has a distinct look and style, reflecting their varied backgrounds. Anby wields a practical saw, though her monotone belies a quiet focus. Billy brazens through with high-tech tricks and an endless well of quips. Nicole plays her opponents like a game with cunning charm.

More agents join your roster, all designed with care, down to the smallest detail. A flaming wolfman wears the refined air of a noble butler. A towering bear dons gold chains with the heart of a gentle giant. Their different factions are immediately recognizable in the signature colors and factions that unite them, while diverse abilities open different approaches.

Distinct motion-captured animations imbue these characters with life, whether slicing through enemies or sharing stories between missions. Voice acting further enhances their personalities, from accented eloquence to excitable exclamations. Their quests and interactions reveal layers of expected roles, finding humanity even in inhuman forms. Together, Belle, Wise, and the expanding cadre of agents form an eclectic family held together by strife and shared purpose in this vividly imagined yet tenderly human world.

Exploring New Eridu

Within the bustling city of New Eridu, there’s always something to see or do between ventures into the Hollows. Wandering the neighborhood of Sixth Street reveals an array of curious shops and entertainments. At Random Play, agents peruse the shelves stocking newly returned videos, each cover hinting at the fantastical worlds within. Neighbors drop by seeking the latest Hollywood hits or cult classics to unwind with at night’s end.

Zenless Zone Zero Review

Elsewhere, the sizzle and steam of street stalls tempt passersby with all manner of tasty treats. Whether noodle bowls or toasted buns, these meals deliver temporary powers to strengthen one’s squad in battle. The clamor spilling from game parlors draws many to test their skills. Futuristic amusements like those of Godfinger Arcade provide a chance to unwind and take the edge off before the next commission calls. Ever bustling with life, the New Eridu rewards those who linger with new faces to meet and stories to uncover.

Beyond the city limits lie the enigmatic Hollows. Within their shifting landscapes, mysteries and dangers await. Commissions task explorers with combing pixelated screens for clues and clues. Curiosity and caution in equal measure serve best as environments warp and surprises lurk around each virtual corner. Success here earns new means by which to enhance one’s trio of agents for the field.

When altercations arise, fluid combat holds sway. Agents dance through flashy combos, switching swiftly between allies to continue chains and counterfoes. Well-timed parries and assaults fill a meter, allowing powerful team-up moves. By targeting weak points and adapting to shifts in momentum, even the mightiest opponents may be overcome. Through such trials, bonds and abilities strengthen in preparation for whatever mysteries tomorrow holds.

Cyberpunk Backdrops and Beloved Characters Populate Zenless Zone Zero

The New Eridu is brought to life through vibrant textures and fine details. From the rusty playground near the riverside to messy bedrooms showing signs of life, exploration feels rewarding as hidden scenes emerge around every corner. Whether navigating crowded market streets under flashing neon or down-back alleys lit only by drifting trash, the city’s distinctive neighborhoods pull you in.

Character designs equally impress with their variety. From dignified butlers and fierce oni to talking bears wearing bling, no two characters fit the same mold. Distinct outfits identify affiliations, yet individual personalities shine through. Interactions reveal nuanced backgrounds, expanding the world. Bonds form as caring shopkeepers lend aid or strangers share sorrow through chance meetings on morning commutes.

Developers nail the balance, crafting a setting that is both strange and relatable. Dystopian tensions exist, yet community spirit endures. Complex issues surface, though hope remains. A future envisioned feels grounded in human truths. Despite advanced technology, cities remain intimate places where friendly faces greet each other each other each day. In a design foreseeing both beauty and hardship, this pocket of humanity feels worth protecting through it all.

The Grind

After completing dozens of hours in the story, the progression in Zenless Zone Zero continues. Leveling agents and mastering combat introduce both familiar and fresh elements. As expected, repeating expeditions provides currency and materials to enhance characters. Yet a variety of means exist to power up those pursuing different playstyles.

Casual players can further relationships with quirky locals, unearthing side tales through daily interactions. Gradually, bonds deepen, unlocking expressive storylines and aiding during battles. Meanwhile, combat challenges offer focused training via solo runs and co-op teams. Rewards scale with player skill, so top ranks attract top rewards and bragging rights.

Of course, gambling also plays a role. The gacha system entices investors to invest resources in random draws for new agents. Standards adhere largely to industry norms, with boosted drop rates occurring periodically. Still, success depends on luck rather than money. Free currency flows fairly, whether through normal gameplay or events, allowing momentum without spending. Early balance seems to have been maintained.

Long-term paths remain unseen. But Honkai Impact and Genshin Impact show Hoyoverse’s ability to sustain engagement through constant updates. If Zenless Zero follows suit, ever-expanding realms and narratives will emerge. And with slicker combat upon each refinement and bonds between agents and their masters deepening all the while, spirited journeys into Hollows should hold pleasure for a long time to come.

Endless Challenge in the Hollows

Once players have completed Zenless Zone Zero’s main story, the real tests begin. Hollow Zero awaits, an ever-changing dungeon that grows more perilous with each new level. Here, only the most skilled agents will survive as new hazards are uncovered with every twist and turn.

Hollow Zero strips away convenience, demanding mastery of each combat mechanic. Healing items and fast travel are forbidden; corridor labyrinths shift with every step. Yet this added difficulty only heightens the thrill, forcing players to optimize their loadouts and learn enemy patterns through trial and error. Partners must cover each other’s weaknesses, and not a hit can be wasted as supplies dwindle.

Progress brings greater rewards but even tougher challenges. New etherial mutations spawn unexpected abilities that demand rapid adaptation. Missteps are now severely punished, but success sees agents strengthening their skills and arsenal. Only the most coordinated teams will reach previously unexplored depths and unlock long-hidden treasures.

For those seeking an even greater test, leaderboards track completion times. Can your squad safely navigate Hollow Zero faster than any other? Top placements are not easily held as competition improves daily. Honing one’s skills and teamwork is a constant process.

With new story chapters and events planned, Zenless Zone Zero’s gripping world will only continue to expand. Many hours of challenge await within the shifting hollows for players eager to prove their mastery. This endgame promises endless tests for agents willing to push themselves to the limits of their abilities. Victory will be all the sweeter for those who overcome.

Zenless Zone Zero: A Stylish Experience

Zenless Zone Zero delivers tight gameplay within a seamlessly stylish world. Developed by HoYoverse, creators of the massively popular Genshin Impact, Zenless Zone Zero blends fast-paced combat, roguelike exploration, and social simulation for a uniquely cinematic experience.

Players take on the role of streetwise siblings Belle and Wise, guiding a team of “Hollow Raiders” into mysterious pocket dimensions called Hollows. Explore these otherworldly realms across puzzle-filled adventures and vibrant battles alike. Combat truly shines here, with a focus on fluid character-swapping and chain attacks. Selecting the right team composition and mastering move sets prove key to surviving tougher fights. While some may find early enemies lackluster, overcoming challenging endgame bosses feels immensely satisfying.

Time spent outside Hollows reveals just as much care. Wander a cyberpunk city brimming with sights both futuristic and nostalgic. Manage a video store between side jobs while getting to know the game’s eclectic cast. From scheming informants to ramen-slurping oni, characters burst full of life through emotional storylines and rapport-building. The game even inspires people to pursue hobbies, whether snapping photos around town or high-scoring arcade runs.

Not everything stays perfect. Some may find routine exploration lacking, merely linking combat with simplistic minigames. Progression also demands downtime spent grinding, a staple of the genre that is less engaging for all. Yet what Zenless Zone Zero loses in depth and difficulty, it gains in visual panache and constant discovery. Between bountiful content and an ever-expanding world, you’ll constantly find new reasons to play.

For those seeking an intense challenge, different fare exists. But any game lover can appreciate Zenless Zone Zero’s cinematic combat, vibrant world, and heartfelt efforts in character and storytelling. Its stylish fusion entertainment may not push limits, but it delivers countless hours of fun through a passion project palpably made with care by its creators. For casual and dedicated players alike, Zenless Zone Zero presents a journey that is hard to put down.

The Review

Zenless Zone Zero

8 Score

Zenless Zone Zero combines fast-paced action, rich exploration, and social simulation into a seamlessly stylish package. While some may find certain elements lacking in depth, HoYoverse has crafted a vibrant sci-fi world filled with endearing characters, cinematic storytelling, and buttery smooth combat. With constant updates also promising to expand its already huge offering, Zenless Zone Zero delivers a uniquely cinematic experience for anyone seeking endless entertainment through creativity, care, and combat.


  • Stylish, fluid combat with diverse characters
  • Vibrant sci-fi world filled with charming details
  • Engaging stories and characters through cinematic presentation
  • Tons of content and continual updates are promised.
  • A pleasant balance of action and social/exploration elements


  • Early enemies lack difficulty.
  • Some routine exploration feels shallow.
  • Progression requires downtime for grinding.

Review Breakdown

  • Overall 8
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