The hit Hulu comedy series “Only Murders in the Building” has brought together veteran actors Meryl Streep and Martin Short in a romantic storyline for season three. During filming, Streep approached showrunner John Hoffman to express her gratitude for the opportunity.
In a recent interview, Hoffman recounted Streep waiting until the early morning hours after wrapping a long day of filming to thank him privately. With tears in her eyes, Streep said she “had to wait here for you to get off the boat to say thank you.” The acclaimed actress shared her appreciation for performing romantic scenes later in her career. Streep described it as “the greatest thing ever.”
Streep’s character Loretta has developed a relationship with Short’s character Oliver throughout the third season. Their romance reportedly culminates in the season four finale airing in October.
Hoffman reflected on Streep and Short’s unexpected on-screen chemistry. As he got to know Streep and worked with her and Short, Hoffman said “I was laughing my head off and they just delighted in each other on screen, off screen in every way.”
Known for its comedic mystery stories and star-studded cast, season four of “Only Murders in the Building” adds more high-profile actors. New stars include Molly Shannon, Eva Longoria, Eugene Levy, Zach Galifianakis, Kumail Nanjiani, and Melissa McCarthy.
The hit show follows three people who investigate murders in their New York apartment building while producing a true crime podcast. In the current season, the trio gets mixed up in a new conspiracy unfolding around their podcast’s movie adaptation.