30 Best Fiber Rich Foods

They satisfy you for a long time, help you lose weight and boost your health: fiber is necessary. We have the top 30 list of fiber rich foods for you and how you can integrate them well into your everyday life!

At first, it sounds like a contradiction: why should I eat something in large quantities, which is then hard to digest later in the stomach? That leads us first to the question: what are dietary fibers anyway? Plant fibers from cereals, rice, vegetables or fruit – especially many of them are found in whole-grain products.

This is why the body needs foods rich in dietary fiber

Rather than lying inert in the stomach, dietary fiber binds water and swells. This provides a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety. In addition, drinking plenty of (water) is the order of the day with dietary fiber, which additionally helps with weight loss!

However, the positive effects start in the mouth: Fiber-rich food must be chewed well – thus, saliva production increases, protecting against caries and periodontosis. In addition, high-fiber foods stimulate digestion. PH levels in the intestines are lowered by fiber, making them less susceptible to pathogenic bacteria. Stools become softer, thus relieving pressure on the intestines, disorders such as constipation can be prevented. Studies also suggest that fiber significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer.

best Fiber Rich Foods

Foods with good fiber content can do even more for our bodies, however: According to studies, it helps lower cholesterol levels and improve blood sugar levels. People with diabetes are advised to eat a diet high in fiber. This may help prevent type 2 diabetes.

How much fiber do I need?

According to many sources, at least 30 grams of dietary fiber are recommended daily. But Americans usually eat just 23 to 25 grams, and many only 20 grams. 68% of men and 75% of women do not reach the guideline value, according to sources.

The top 30 high-fiber foods

In the following table we have listed the top 30 fiber rich foods with with dietary fiber per 100 grams.

space Food Dietary fiber per 100 g, in grams
1. Wheat bran 45.1
2. Linseed 38.6
3. Chia seeds 34.4
4. Grated coconut 24
5. White beans 23.2
6. Soy Meat & Beans 22
7. Dried plums 18.8
8. Salsify 18.3
9. Bran flakes 18
10 Dried apricot 17.3
11. Lenses 17
12. Peas 16.6
13. Chickpeas 15.5
14 Bread with fruits 14
15 Crispbread 14
16 Wholegrain rye flour 13.9
17 Pear dried 13.5
18 Jerusalem Artichoke 12.1
19 Peanut kernels 11.7
20 Wholemeal Wheat Flour 11.7
21 Peach dried 11.7
22 Macadamia nuts 11.4
23 Sesame seeds 11.2
24 Artichoke 10.8
25 Apple dried 10.7
26 Pistachio nuts 10.6
27 Amaranth 10.3
28 Whole grain oatmeal 10
29 Corn 10
30 Stye 9.8

A diet rich in fiber: This is how it works in everyday life

The good news: if you eat a reasonably fit and conscious diet, you can’t avoid fiber-rich foods anyway. They are found in fruits and vegetables, especially in unprocessed foods, according to the Clean Eating food trend.

Therefore, a diet rich in fiber can be easily integrated into everyday life. Three servings of fresh vegetables, two of fruit, and whole grain products such as brown rice and whole grain pasta are already enough for an excellent essential supply.

Foods of animal origin, particularly meat and sausage, need to be reduced. From the top 30 list above, you will not be able to consume all the foods in the appropriate amounts to really get the optimal benefit. However, Wheat Bran and Flaxseed, for example, make great sprinkles on your cereal.

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Other everyday tips

High fiber diet: the example calculation for the day

Here, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) has constructed a sample day that shows you how much you can eat (more) fiber with a conscious diet and easily reach the daily recommendation. Compare this to a “normal” day:

Start the day in the morning with whole grain cereal and dried fruit or fresh fruit. For a snack in between, you eat an apple and two carrots. For lunch, two to three potatoes accompanied by two tubers of kohlrabi or legumes such as lentils, green beans or chickpeas, followed by red berry porridge. Three slices of whole-grain bread are served for dinner, and you’re well on your way. However, it’s good to start in small steps – or else there’s a risk of flatulence.

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