Redfall’s Massive Patching Begins with Modest Steps

The first step in a lengthy journey to improvement.


The creators of Redfall had a rough time with the launch of their latest cooperative vampire shooter. Despite a significant delay, the game had a disappointing start.

However, the Arkane Austin team remains determined and has initiated an extensive patching process, beginning with modest steps.

First Patch 1.01: Small Fixes

It took a week for the first patch, numbered 1.01, to be released. What did the Redfall developers address during this time? Surprisingly, not much.

The complete list of changes comprises only three fixes, and none of them tackle the game’s most significant issues, such as frame drops, texture loading errors, or faulty enemy AI. The fixes included are:

A Concrete Plan for Patching Redfall

Despite the modest start, work to fix the game continues. Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox Gaming, recently mentioned that the team has a concrete plan to patch Redfall.

It’s unfortunate that such a situation arose in the first place, casting a negative light not only on the highly anticipated creations from Arkane Austin but also on Microsoft’s entire Xbox department.

Higher Expectations for First Party Titles

Many games are launched without being fully polished, but fans had higher expectations from a first-party team and an exclusive title.

While it’s understandable that not every game can receive top ratings, it’s disheartening to witness the technical state in which Redfall was released to players. The hope remains that, at the very least, the game’s production quality will improve in the coming weeks and months.

Want to uncover the truths behind Arkane Austin’s latest venture, Redfall? Let us take you on a tour of its highs and lows, as we explore how the developers behind the immersive worlds of Dishonored and Prey might have faltered in this new venture. Click here to read our detailed Redfall review.

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