Gylt: A Delicate Horror Game with a Powerful Message

Explore the eerie world of Gylt as you embark on a haunting quest to find a missing cousin.

When we think of horror games, titles like Silent Hill and Resident Evil come to mind. However, there has been a lack of horror games suitable for younger audiences. While movies and books have embraced the horror genre for kids with films like “Hotel Transylvania” and the “Goosebumps” series, the video game industry has been relatively silent in this regard. That’s where Gylt sets itself apart.

A Personal Journey

Gylt is a unique and personal game that originated from a deeply felt experience within our studio. The inspiration came from the story of a relative whose little cousin was a victim of bullying at school. We wanted to tackle the realistic and terrifying nature of bullying, bringing it to life through our protagonist, Sally.

In her search for her missing cousin, Emily, Sally finds herself in a twisted and dangerous version of her city, facing Emily’s worst nightmares. Our tagline, “Fear the shapes, shape the fears,” encapsulates the essence of Gylt as Sally must hide or fight back using only a simple flashlight.

Addressing a Serious Issue

Although Gylt is a game meant to entertain and thrill, we understand the importance of addressing the issue of bullying seriously. Throughout the development process, we collaborated closely with professional psychologists to ensure that the portrayal of bullying in the game is handled delicately.

Additionally, we are working in partnership with Safe in Our World, an international organization dedicated to mental health in the gaming industry. Their resources provide guidance for those experiencing difficulties and offer information on how to seek help. Visit Safeinourworld dot org to access these valuable resources.


Inspired by Horror Legends

As horror enthusiasts ourselves, we drew inspiration from some of the greats in the genre. Richard Bachman, the pseudonym used by Stephen King in the ’70s, lends his name to the school in our game, paying homage to the master of horror literature.

Fans of Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline” will notice elements of its atmospheric world within Gylt, along with inspiration from the eerie and immersive experience of Alan Wake.

A Game for All

While Gylt is designed to be suitable for younger audiences, it doesn’t exclude adults or hardcore horror gamers from enjoying the experience. The absence of gore, explicit language, and real weapons doesn’t diminish the spine-tingling atmosphere, creature designs, and captivating music that will engage players of all ages.

Everyone will face the challenge of confronting or evading monsters, solving puzzles, and delving into the story of Bethewood city and its inhabitants through collectibles and hidden narratives.

The Power of Music

In any horror creation, music and sound play a vital role in establishing an unsettling atmosphere. That’s why we enlisted the talents of renowned composer Cris Velasco, known for his work on projects like Carrion, Vader Immortal, and Clive Barker’s “Jericho.”

Velasco’s haunting melodies and atmospheric compositions enhance the eerie journey of Gylt, immersing players further into the game’s chilling world.

Gylt is now available on Xbox Series and Xbox One. Don’t miss the opportunity to embark on this chilling adventure and unravel the mysteries that await you in Bethewood city.

Give recognition where it’s due! Tap into the world of underrated games by exploring ‘Underappreciated Titles: 15 Games That Deserved More Recognition.’ You’ll be surprised by the greatness you might have missed.

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