A Unique Space Game Beyond Starfield: The Banished Vault

Step into a universe of desolation and complexity with 'The Banished Vault,' a distinct departure from the cheerful horizons of Starfield.

While Bethesda’s game worlds often lean towards optimism and comfort, there exists an alternative experience that delves into the darker and riskier aspects of space exploration. Titled “The Banished Vault,” this game offers a stark contrast to the upcoming Starfield’s hopeful theme. If you’re seeking a space journey that’s haunting, challenging, and solitary, this might just be the game for you.

Bethesda’s Starfield promises a world of starry-eyed optimism, dubbed “NASA-punk,” featuring friendly companions and cozy spaceship quarters. However, for those who yearn for a bleaker perspective on space, “The Banished Vault” provides just that. In this game, space is depicted as a desolate, despairing, and lonely realm.

Gameplay Overview


“The Banished Vault” is a turn-based resource management simulation set in a procedurally generated solar system. You control a mothership with a crew and limited resources, aiming to gather enough supplies to reach the next system within a limited number of turns. The challenge lies in navigating your ships through dice-roll-based hazards, constructing special structures in different systems, and ultimately surviving the journey.

Comparing “The Banished Vault” to standard game descriptions is like summarizing a complex book with a single sentence. Inspired by works like Gene Wolfe’s “The Book of the New Sun,” the game presents a strange, haunting, and beautiful world with dense mechanics.

Its presentation resembles a seventeenth-century astronomical chart, complete with intricate ship and planet models and cryptic descriptions. The backdrop perfectly complements the narrative of the game—a massive generation ship fleeing a destructive force known as the Gloom.

Navigating Complexity

The game requires careful planning akin to formal logic. Every move involves considering variables such as engine efficiency, ship mass, and available resources. The intricacies of each solar system demand meticulous calculations and decision-making. A single miscalculation or unfortunate dice roll can lead to dire consequences, leaving players to grapple with tough choices and challenging scenarios.

Despite its unforgiving nature, “The Banished Vault” offers a therapeutic experience. The game’s demanding approach forces players to step away and strategize for extended periods. This detachment blurs the boundary between the virtual world and reality, as players rely on notes and reference materials to navigate the complex gameplay.

For those seeking a far cry from the optimistic vibes of Starfield, “The Banished Vault” offers a unique alternative—a haunting and complex space simulation that challenges players to confront the bleakness of space exploration.

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