The acclaimed HBO series “Big Little Lies,” celebrated for its riveting narrative and stellar cast, is reportedly returning for a third season, as hinted by Nicole Kidman, one of the show’s leading stars. During a recent Q&A event, Kidman shared insights into her career and subtly dropped the news of the series’ much-anticipated continuation.
A Surprise Revelation
Nicole Kidman, known for her role as Celeste Wright in “Big Little Lies,” was part of a Q&A at the LPGA during the CME Group Tour Championship, as reported by DeuxMoi. When asked about her favorite roles, Kidman reminisced about “Moulin Rouge!” before segueing into her experience with “Big Little Lies.”
She expressed how the show arrived at a crucial point in her life, influencing her decision against retiring. Kidman also highlighted the pivotal role Reese Witherspoon played in producing the series, emphasizing the show’s success due to overwhelming viewer support. It was here that she casually confirmed the development of a third season, much to the excitement of fans.
The Journey So Far
“Big Little Lies,” based on Liane Moriarty’s book, originally conceived as a limited series, captivated audiences globally, leading to a demand for a second season. The show, known for its compelling portrayal of complex female characters and intricate storylines, ended its first season with a dramatic conclusion involving the death of Perry Wright, played by Alexander Skarsgård.
The second season, which premiered in 2019, dealt with the fallout of this event and introduced new challenges, including Meryl Streep’s character, who added another layer of depth and intrigue to the narrative.
With over four years since the last season aired, the confirmation of a third installment has reignited interest and speculation among the series’ ardent followers. Although specific details, including a release date, remain undisclosed, Kidman’s mention of a third season is a promising indicator of what’s to come.
Fans eagerly await further updates, hopeful to revisit the captivating world of the women of Monterey, filled with its signature twists and turns. In the meantime, viewers can reacquaint themselves with the series by watching the first two seasons available on Max in the U.S.