Steamy Surprises Await in Cult of the Lamb’s 2024 Update

Massive Monster Teases a Bold New Feature for Cult of the Lamb, Spurred by Fan Requests.

Cult of the Lamb

In a surprising turn of events, the developers of ‘Cult of the Lamb‘, Massive Monster, have teased the addition of a ‘sex update’ to their popular roguelite game, slated for early 2024.

This announcement, initially perceived as a light-hearted response to fan requests, has quickly gained traction and seems to be evolving into a real feature for the game.

From Jokes to Reality: The Path to the Update

The journey to this unusual update began with playful interactions between the game’s community and the developers. Players humorously suggested that the upcoming update, ‘Sins of the Flesh’, should include intimate interactions between the game’s anthropomorphic animal characters, partly inspired by the update’s suggestive name and artwork.

In response to these suggestions, the official ‘Cult of the Lamb X(XX)’ social media account made a bold promise: if their follower count reached 300,000 by the end of the year, the game would include a sex update. Surpassing all expectations, the follower count not only reached but exceeded the target within two hours, currently nearing 400,000 followers.

This overwhelming response led Massive Monster to acknowledge the achievement with a tongue-in-cheek post, hinting at the integration of the feature by showing a line of code with “sexInGame” set to “true”.

While the seriousness of this update remains in question, the developers have maintained the playful tone, even assuring one player that the sex update would be free.

Integrating the Update with the Game’s Mechanics

As it stands, the exact nature of how the sex update will be implemented alongside ‘Cult of the Lamb’s existing gameplay elements remains a mystery.

The game, known for its blend of cult management and roguelite dungeon exploration, will likely face a unique challenge in incorporating this new aspect.

The developers have not yet revealed how this feature will mesh with the game’s narrative and mechanics or what impact it might have on the overall player experience.

Fans of ‘Cult of the Lamb’ are now eagerly awaiting more details, with the update expected to arrive alongside ‘Sins of the Flesh’s story and feature additions in early 2024.

This update has sparked a mixture of curiosity and excitement within the gaming community, as players speculate on how Massive Monster will navigate this unconventional addition to their game.

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