Imagining a Zelda Spin-Off by Prince of Persia’s Developers

Ubisoft Montpellier Developers Share Their Aspirations for a Unique Zelda Spin-Off.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

The team behind Ubisoft Montpellier’s latest hit, ‘Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown‘, has been receiving widespread praise for their work. Amidst this success, developers Christophe Pic and Rémi Boutin engaged in an insightful ‘Ask Us Anything’ session on Reddit, revealing their aspirations beyond the sands of Persia – including a potential foray into the iconic world of Zelda.

During the Reddit session, which primarily focused on ‘The Lost Crown’, its design, and its impact on the ‘Prince of Persia’ series, the developers were asked about other IPs they would love to work on. Rémi Boutin, the senior game designer, expressed a keen interest in the ‘Zelda’ series, particularly in creating a spin-off based on the less conventional ‘Zelda II: The Adventure of Link’. He also mentioned a fondness for ‘Castlevania’, another classic franchise.

Boutin’s idea of merging ‘The Lost Crown’s’ dynamic combat and movement with the lore and setting of Hyrule presents an intriguing concept. While his comment is far from an official project announcement, it showcases the imaginative potential when developers think outside their usual realms.

This idea might not be as far-fetched as it seems, given Nintendo’s recent history of collaborations. The company has shown a willingness to entrust its beloved franchises to third-party studios, as seen in the ‘Mario + Rabbids’ games developed in partnership with Ubisoft. While a Zelda II-inspired project by the ‘Prince of Persia’ team is speculative, it’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility.

Christophe Pic, the world director, shared his own unique crossover dream during the AMA: a blend of ‘Bubble Bobble’ and ‘Dark Souls’. This response, though more whimsical, underscores the creative ambition and versatility of the Ubisoft Montpellier team.

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