Dragon’s Dogma 2 Squashes Dragonsplague, Restores Pawn High Fives

Pawn Pandemic Contained as Quality-of-Life Tweaks Refine Fantasy RPG Experience.

Capcom has rolled out a new update for the hit action RPG Dragon’s Dogma 2 that addresses some of players’ biggest frustrations. Chief among the changes is a fix for an issue preventing players from consistently high fiving their AI companion pawns – an important emotional moment that was sorely missed.

But the update also delivers a much-needed nerf to the dreaded “dragonsplague” outbreak that had been rapidly spreading among pawns and even decimating entire in-game villages. The virulent pawn pandemic will now be more visibly telegraphed by giving infected pawns creepy glowing eyes. More importantly, the disease’s ability to spread has been significantly reduced.

Dragonsplague had grown so problematic that Dragon’s Dogma 2’s community resorted to bizarre methods to contain outbreaks and protect their pawns. Thankfully, such extreme measures should no longer be required after this update.

Beyond reining in the digital pawn plague, the new patch irons out other quality-of-life issues. Pawns’ annoying habit of constantly walking off cliffs has been reduced, as has their tendency to stop providing guided navigation after offering to lead the way.

The update also fixes a problem where player characters could be unfairly jailed for heroically intervening to defend towns against monster attacks. No more punishing good samaritans!

On the quality-of-life front, players can now zoom in for a closer look at character and pawn faces on the status screen and in shops – perfect for admiring their customizations or examining dragonsplague symptoms.

Dragon’s Dogma II

While the dragonsplague nerf and high five fix grab the biggest headlines, these various improvements should go a long way in enhancing the core Dragon’s Dogma 2 experience for players on PlayStation 5 and PC.

With the infectious disease under control and pawn bonding fully restored, players can now enjoy a smoother, more immersive journey through Gransys without worrying about viral outbreaks or high five refusal.

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