LittleBigPlanet 3’s Online Creations Face Permanent Shutdown

Sony's decision to indefinitely decommission servers for the PS4 game LittleBigPlanet 3 has left a vast collection of user-generated content inaccessible.

LittleBigPlanet 3

In a devastating blow to the creative community of LittleBigPlanet 3, Sony has announced that the game’s PlayStation 4 servers will remain “offline indefinitely” due to ongoing technical issues. This decision effectively wipes out access to potentially hundreds of thousands of user-generated levels and creations that were hosted on the company’s servers, erasing years of work by dedicated players.

The server outage initially began in January 2024 when Sony temporarily took the servers offline to investigate security concerns stemming from malicious mods. At the time, the company assured players that the closure was temporary and that they were “working to resolve” the issues. However, in a recent update to the game’s support page, Sony revealed that the “decision has been made to keep the servers offline indefinitely.”

While locally stored content will remain accessible, the vast majority of player creations housed on Sony’s servers are now lost. “All online services including access to other players’ creations for LittleBigPlanet 3 are no longer available,” the company stated, dealing a crushing blow to the game’s vibrant community.

LittleBigPlanet 3, released in 2014, was celebrated for its boundless creativity, allowing players to design and share their own intricate platforming levels. Over the years, fans poured countless hours into crafting ingenious and imaginative levels, some of which garnered millions of plays and “hearts” from fellow players.

The news has devastated long-time fans of the series, who fear that a significant part of LittleBigPlanet’s history has been erased. “Nearly 16 years worth of user-generated content, millions of levels, some with millions of plays and hearts,” lamented one Redditor known as Weeni-Tortellini. “Absolutely iconic levels locked away forever with no way to experience them again.”

Others expressed frustration at the abrupt nature of Sony’s announcement and the apparent lack of effort to preserve the community’s creations. “Damn, that’s all we get? A tweet?” exclaimed one disgruntled player, referring to the brief social media post that broke the news.

While the game’s offline features, including the campaign mode, will remain playable, the loss of the online component has left a gaping hole in the LittleBigPlanet experience. Fans have pleaded with Sony to consider developing a successor title that could potentially revive the creative spirit that made the series so beloved.

As online services for older games continue to be retired across the industry, the fate of LittleBigPlanet 3’s user-generated content serves as a sobering reminder of the impermanence of digital creations and the importance of preserving gaming history.

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