11 Effective Home Remedies for Acne

Here are some of the most effective natural home remedies to cure acne instead of trying expensive acne treatments.

Blemished skin, blackheads and pimples are as normal as they are distressing: those affected are often ashamed of the skin condition for which they can do nothing. Are you finally ready to fight annoying, ugly acne? If so, no problem! You do not even have to spend money on expensive beauty products: Using affordable home remedies, you can fight pimples with ease. What’s best: you probably already have them at home!

Acne or pimples: is there a difference?

The term acne is used from the first pimple and not, as many believe, just when a young person has many pimples and blackheads. Approximately 95% of adolescents suffer from this skin disease, most of which appears for the first time during (pre-)puberty. The acne is differentiated according to its severity. Acne is referred to as physiological acne, also known as mild acne, when the person affected has to deal with only a few pimples and blackheads.

Acne of this type usually disappears after one to two years and it can be easily treated with over-the-counter or home remedies. Approximately 60 % of adolescents are affected. However, the remaining 40 % suffer from clinical acne, which has a chronic and more pronounced course: pimples, pustules and blackheads increase and appear over a longer period of time.

Acne and pimples and home remedies

How do pimples develop?

There are various causes of pimples. The most frequent cause of blemished skin is when sebaceous gland overactivity (seborrhea) and a cornification disorder at the sebaceous gland duct (hyperkeratosis) come together.

The sebaceous glands in our skin produce oil and secrete it. It covers the skin and thus protects it from drying out. During puberty, sebum production is increased due to changes in hormonal balance, preventing the fat from draining away and causing excess sebum to clog the pores. Simultaneously, more corneal material is produced in the sebaceous gland duct, which causes additional blockages.

Blackheads (comedones) develop as a result of the sebaceous congestion. When open, these show up as black dots on the surface of the skin. This is why they are nicknamed Black Heads. Enclosed blackheads are called white heads and are surrounded by inflammation. In these cases, the sebaceous gland excretory duct is constricted and clogged, causing increased accumulation of skin oil. Unless the inflammation is relieved, pustules (pustules) and papules (nodules) develop from the comedones.

The right skin care to prevent acne

Having the right skin care routine is important for acne. The majority of experts advise mild skin cleansing with products containing salicylic acid. What this substance does is penetrate deep into the skin and can remove keratinization, sebum and skin flakes.

As a result, the excess sebum produced can flow off more easily and pimples do not appear in the first place. Creams, makeup and sunscreens have to be free of grease so that the pores are not clogged. Using water-based products or light oils will help with skin care.

Can pimples be prevented?

Naturally, you can’t stop sebaceous glands from producing (too much) sebum and clogging them. However, the fact is: you can prevent pimples with the right lifestyle and a few simple tricks.

When should I see a doctor about acne?

This is a question that young people frequently ask themselves: Do I really need a doctor for acne? The answer is yes and no. Naturally, anyone can treat their blemished skin with the right tips, tricks and home remedies. Most people quickly figure out what their skin needs and how to fight pimples.

But in any case, the advice of an expert will not harm. Particularly if the acne is chronic and intensified. A dermatologist will give individual advice and in stubborn acne cases can prescribe medications that will help the skin.

Powerful Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne

As we said earlier, there are many secret weapons that help against acne and promote beautiful skin – from the correct care and diet to effective home remedies against pimples. Here we provide an overview!


Traditionally, Echinacea has been used to accelerate wound healing and prevent colds and flu, and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are equally effective against acne. Try using an infusion of echinacea to wash your face by soaking a cloth or pouring a few drops on a cotton ball and dabbing on blemishes.


Honey’s antibiotic properties can help relieve acne. Simply apply 1 teaspoon of honey to the affected areas or make a mask by mixing 1/2 cup of honey with 1 cup of regular oatmeal; wear for 30 minutes from time to time.


The Acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin is an excellent acne treatment aid, which dries up pimples and reduces inflammation. To get these benefits, crush aspirin tablets into a paste with a little water or mix four tablets with 2 tablespoons of water.

Witch Hazel

This natural astringent dries and reduces skin blemishes. In order to take advantage of its benefits, pour witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply it to your face in the morning and evening.

Melaleuca oil

Acne is a very common skin problem caused by inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicles. Due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties, a 5% solution of melaleuca oil (or tea tree oil) is much less irritating than a 5% solution of benzoyl peroxide and is equally effective against acne, although it works a little slower.

Combine a few drops of melaleuca oil with 20 to 40 drops of witch hazel, and then use a cotton swab to apply it. Do not apply this remedy more than twice a day; more frequent application may dry out your skin and make your acne worse.


The use of mint can remove oil that clogs pores, and therefore can be an effective home remedy to help you fight acne. In order to prevent the appearance of acne, combine 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with 2 tablespoons each of plain yogurt and oatmeal with a blender to pulverize the oatmeal. Let the mixture sit on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Green tea

The antimicrobial and antioxidant principles in green tea are acne-fighting. To take advantage of these effects, use a cup of cooled green tea as a facial cleanser or rub the wet bag onto the affected area on your face.

Aloe Vera

Well known for soothing burns, aloe vera promotes healing, fights infection and even reduces scarring. Scoop the gel from the aloe with a spoon and rub it into the acne area. Alternatively, you can buy aloe vera gel at drugstores or health food stores, just make sure it’s pure aloe vera, with no additives.


Lemon has an exfoliating, brightening and disinfecting effect and helps reduce the appearance of scars and prevent the formation of new blackheads. On a clean face, use a cotton ball or cotton swab moistened with lemon juice to dab acne-prone skin, and then rinse with cool water.


Over time, chamomile will reduce the inflammation caused by acne. Combine the contents of one chamomile tea bag with just enough water in a blender or coffee grinder to make a paste to apply to the acne area. Alternatively, add two tea bags to 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Allow to cool, and then use a cotton ball to dab your face after cleansing.

Cider Vinegar

Cider vinegar has malic and lactic acids that exfoliate, diminish redness and treat acne. To make a cleansing lotion, combine equal parts water and cider vinegar and apply to the skin with a cotton ball, ensuring that you shake this home remedy well before each use.

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