The Dark Pictures: The Devil in Me, the next installment in the horror anthology from the Supermassive Games studio, is set to debut on the market this November, as announced. In the meantime, as it turns out, it appears that the creators of The Quarry and Until Dawn are currently working on another “large-scale” production, as Will Byles – the director of both the aforementioned horror games – informed VGC in an interview.
Director of The Quarry and Until Dawn shares plans for the near future
The developer highlighted that he and his team would like to create longer adventure games set in horror atmospheres, as they can better portray and develop the characters through a more developed story.
While the director realizes that this may bore some, he also acknowledges that he really enjoys “delving into the themes of personalities and relationships between characters,” which is far more difficult to achieve in slightly shorter productions.
As mentioned above, Will Byles has confirmed that he is already developing his next title. Sadly, he did not reveal too many details about his new game. He only disclosed that in terms of scale the project will match The Quarry.
We probably won’t see another “horror game about teenagers,” however, since the director’s statement suggests that the whole thing will focus on a different theme.
Not sure how much more we can expand the teen horror formula, because particularly when we try to mix things up a bit, the number of surprises is very limited. The Dark Pictues anthology uses a variety of horror themes. What we’re working on now is a bit of a departure from that kind of standard, but it’s still a very classic horror movie,” the developer said.
Meanwhile, just when can we expect the release of the new game from the director of The Quarry and Until Dawn? According to Will Byles, the title is expected to debut on the market in 2025 or 2026. So we have no choice but to be patient and wait for the first details.
Last but not least, let us remind you that The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me, which was mentioned at the beginning of the news, will make its debut on November 18. The game is headed for PC and PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S consoles.