Star Wars Outlaws Takes a Hand-Crafted Approach to Planet Design and Open World Gameplay

Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft provide insights into the game's unique approach to planet creation and open world exploration.

The highly anticipated Star Wars Outlaws game is breaking new ground by featuring hand-crafted planets instead of procedurally generated ones. This revelation, coupled with its open world design, has sparked intrigue among fans. Creative director Julian Gerighty sheds light on the scale and approach to world-building, promising an immersive experience akin to Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey.

During the recent Xbox and Ubisoft showcases, Massive Entertainment, in collaboration with Ubisoft, proudly unveiled Star Wars Outlaws as the “first-ever open-world Star Wars game.”

Unlike other titles, Star Wars Outlaws will forego procedurally generated planets in favor of a more deliberate approach. Gerighty explains in an interview with Edge magazine that the planets will be carefully hand-crafted to ensure a captivating and authentic experience.

Size and Scale of the Planets

While the exact number of planets in the game remains unknown, Gerighty provides insight into their size and scale. Drawing an analogy, he states that each planet will be equivalent in size to approximately two “zones” found in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey.

This approach strikes a balance between expansive exploration and the meticulous detail required to create a vibrant and engaging world. Gerighty emphasizes that the game’s world design does not aim to recreate entire countries but focuses on providing a manageable yet immersive experience.

In Star Wars Outlaws, players will have the opportunity to explore the near-orbit of each planet or moon, freely piloting their spacecraft while engaging in thrilling battles against the Empire.

However, when it comes to planetary surfaces, players will be limited to landing at specific points and won’t have unrestricted flight capabilities. This intentional design choice allows for a more structured gameplay experience while still providing ample freedom for exploration.

Open World Freedom and Player Agency

Star Wars Outlaws

One of the core pillars of Star Wars Outlaws is the emphasis on player agency and freedom of choice. The game offers various approaches to encounters and missions, allowing players to decide between combat, stealth, or other methods to navigate through different areas.

Gerighty highlights that the team is committed to delivering a true open-world experience that empowers players to tackle challenges according to their preferred playstyle.

In their quest to recreate the spirit of the original Star Wars trilogy, Massive draws inspiration from the classic 1970s era. This influence is reflected not only in the in-game technology design but also in the recreation of lenses used during that time.

Gerighty explains how subtle elements such as vignetting, film grain, lens breathing, and lens flares contribute to a more cinematic experience, immersing players in the authentic atmosphere of the iconic films.

Star Wars Outlaws is currently in development for PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5, with a scheduled release planned for the upcoming year. Fans eagerly await the opportunity to explore the meticulously hand-crafted planets and embark on a truly immersive open-world Star Wars adventure.

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