Oops! Baldur’s Gate 3 Glitch Reveals a Bit Too Much of Astarion

A Comical Mishap Takes Players by Surprise in the RPG World

In the intricate realm of Baldur’s Gate 3, a rather amusing and unintended situation has arisen. For those who dared to embark on a romantic journey with the charmingly vexing character Astarion, a surprising twist awaits in the form of a peculiar bug. This whimsical mishap grants players a glimpse of Astarion in a manner they wouldn’t have anticipated.

Astarion, the enigmatic vampire character, has captured the attention and affection of many players despite his insufferable and manipulative traits. His trademark response of ‘yes?’ when greeted at camp tugs at the heartstrings of those who have fallen for his charm.

However, for those who have faced the heartache of being spurned by this coveted companion, a recent discovery might bring a wry smile to their faces.

A Noteworthy Glitch

A peculiar bug has come to light following the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 2. If players select certain choices in the game, they gain access to Astarion’s Vampire Ascendant powers, which cast a deep, blood-red outline around his silhouette. Strangely enough, a player recently noticed that this outline reveals a bit more than intended.

Instead of merely highlighting his silhouette, the bug inadvertently exposes parts of Astarion that would otherwise remain concealed. Yes, you can now catch a glimpse of Astarion’s unmentionables without engaging in any romance with him.

Astarion Balurd's Gate 3 m

It’s highly likely that this entertaining bug will be swiftly addressed in a future patch, but for the time being, it offers players a small measure of whimsical satisfaction. Perhaps this unexpected peek serves as a playful way to retaliate against Astarion for his behavior, granting players a humorous upper hand in this virtual relationship.

Nonetheless, adventurers scorned by Astarion’s choices might still wish to delve into the game’s challenges and mysteries. For those seeking alternative pursuits, our Baldur’s Gate 3 Halsin guide or a comprehensive list of quests and character classes available in Baldur’s Gate 3 might prove equally captivating.

If you haven’t played this game yet and have any questions about it, we recommend you to read our comprehensive Baldur’s Gate 3 review to get all those answers.

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