The Ghost of Tsushima movie, based on Sucker Punch’s critically acclaimed open-world samurai game, is steadily making progress, with director Chad Stahelski expressing his deep admiration for the original game. Stahelski, renowned for his work on the John Wick series, is both directing and producing the film adaptation.
In a recent interview with Screen Rant, Stahelski provided insights into the current status of the movie’s development. He revealed that the script is ready and the team is on the verge of finalizing the project’s details.
However, he also highlighted the challenges faced during the development process, citing issues related to studio logistics, strikes, availability of resources, and location scouting. Stahelski emphasized the need for perseverance and determination to bring the project to fruition, stating, “You have to will things into existence.”
Stahelski’s passion for Ghost of Tsushima is evident as he speaks highly of the game, referring to it as “one of my favorite properties of all time” and something he feels closely connected to.
He has previously discussed the challenges of condensing the game’s expansive story into a two-hour film and his commitment to preserving the game’s visual style in the movie. Stahelski also expressed his intention to cast Japanese actors and use Japanese dialogue to maintain authenticity.
While the Ghost of Tsushima movie may still be some time away from release, Stahelski’s dedication and passion for the project suggest that the film is in capable hands.
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