Kazuma Kiryu’s Return in Like a Dragon Gaiden Tops Steam Charts

Chart-Topping Debut: Like a Dragon Gaiden Dominates Steam on Release Day.

Like A Dragon Gaiden

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name” has made a remarkable entrance as Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega’s most successful Steam launch to date.

The game, which continues the saga of the iconic protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, has already surpassed its predecessors in peak player count on Steam, despite having been released just today.

It has achieved a peak of 9,743 players, outperforming the second-most popular game in the series, “Like a Dragon” from 2020, which had a peak of 9,535 players, and “Yakuza 0” from 2018, with a peak of 8,985 players.

The game’s success is not only measured by its player count but also by its position in the top ten-selling games on Steam, ranking alongside heavy hitters like “Modern Warfare 3” and “Apex Legends.”

This is particularly impressive considering that “Like a Dragon Gaiden” is also available on Game Pass, indicating that the Steam numbers don’t fully represent the game’s total player base.

As fans eagerly await the release of “Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth” this winter, “Like a Dragon Gaiden” sets a high bar for success within the beloved Yakuza series. The game’s performance on Steam is a strong indicator of its overall success on PC, and it’s a testament to the enduring popularity of the Yakuza franchise.

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