Surf’s up, dude! Hang ten with Aquaman himself as he saddles his hog and sets out on the open road. Jason Momoa is cruising for adventure in his new travel series On the Roam.
This gonzo celeb takes viewers along for the ride as he pursues his passions across America. Motorcycles, guitars, photos – you name it, Momoa’s into it. And he wants to meet the rad artisans who craft these sweet treasures.
Each episode follows this wildman as he tracks down master craftspeople in their natural habitats. We’re talking old-school biker garages, vintage guitar shops, and sweeping natural vistas prime for shooting. Momoa’s amped to get his hands dirty and soak up their old-school knowledge.
With his signature stoked energy, the jacked-up Momoa injects these niche hobbies with his own eccentric zeal. He greases up with grizzled bikers to reconstruct vintage wheels. He nerds out with legendary rock photogs to capture crazy angles. This thigh-slapping teddy bear brings the party wherever he rolls up.
So crank up the stereo and let ‘er rip – when Momoa’s on the roam, no road’s left untraveled. Cowabunga!
Vintage Hogs and Hill Climbs: Momoa Gets Down and Dirty
In the premiere, Momoa dives into his obsession with antique motorcycles. This self-proclaimed “dirtbag” has a soft spot for pre-WWII Harley Davidsons – especially the retro rides that daredevils raced up steep hills for kicks.
To reconnect with this gnarly history, Momoa enlists a crew of grizzled bike experts to help build replica vintage Harleys from the ground up. We’re talking hand-cranked ignition systems and cranky leather kickstarts. It’s a greasy labor of love.
Overhauling these crusty old twins takes some serious wrench-turning. Momoa makes pilgrimages to musty shops in North Carolina, Massachusetts, and beyond. There he picks the brains of white-bearded biker sages about gaskets, sprockets, and other gritty details.
Eventually the crew fires up their custom rides for a back-country field test. Bathed in slo-mo glory, Momoa blasts up a steep trail, his hair blowing behind him like Aquaman on wheels. The hard work pays off in a shower of dirt.
By getting elbow-deep in motor oil, Momoa pays tribute to the DIY hackers who juiced up their rides generations ago. This cycle-loving beefcake proves he isn’t afraid to get down and dirty when his passion calls.
Lights, Camera, Momoa! A Starstruck Photo Shoot
In episode two, Momoa nerds out with legendary fine art photographer Todd Hido. This is a dream team-up for Momoa, who fawns over Hido’s moody shots of desolate landscapes and eerie Americana.
As they meet up for a shoot, we learn about Hido’s unique perspective. He captures haunting scenes bathed in hazy light, evoking mystery and isolation. Momoa is psyched to dive inside Hido’s creative process.
The enthusiastic beefcake turns docile art pupil as he watches the master frame up dreary Midwestern motels and foggy woodlands. We see Momoa’s wonderstruck face in tight close-ups, thrilled to see Hido work his magic.
The photographer puts Momoa to work too, positioning him just so in forlorn tableaus. Hido arranges the hulking star as if he were a prop, using his bulk to balance the composition.
By collaborating with Hido, Momoa gets hands-on photographic lessons from a legend. The Aquaman icon comes down to Earth as an artist’s apprentice. Even for this Hollywood hotshot, hanging with a hero brings out the fanboy within.
An Effusive Teddy Bear or Overeager Meathead?
Jason Momoa is an absolute force of nature as the host of this globetrotting passion project. With his larger-than-life persona, the bombastic beefcake gives 110% energy in each episode.
When Momoa’s enthralled, so are we. His childlike wonder is contagious, cutting through any notion that he’s just a celebrity on vacation. The pure joy as he fires up a restored vintage motorcycle says it all.
But Momoa’s zeal can be exhausting. He has a tendency to overdramatize, whether growling in slow motion or narrating every emotion. At times it feels less like a conversation than a dude yelling in your face.
Momoa also fixates narrowly on macho pursuits like bikes, guitars, and outdoor adventures. This seems indulgent of his personal interests versus a balanced travelogue.
That said, it’s hard to doubt Momoa’s authenticity. For better or worse, he lives life turned up to 11. What you see is what you get with this vociferous wild man.
While Momoa risks coming off as an over-eager meathead at times, his sincere passion cuts through. Consider bringing earplugs to temper the volume – but it’s worth sticking around to soak up the big guy’s infectious energy.
Arty Angles, But Where’s the Depth?
On the Roam stands out for its highly cinematic format, with sweeping drone shots and artful close-ups. The luminous photography romanticizes each location and activity.
Momoa also utilizes slow motion extensively to amp up the drama – sometimes too much. Slo-mo money shots of him standing stoically or embracing friends feel overdone after a while.
The emphasis stays tightly on male-dominated pastimes like motorbikes, guitars, and outdoor adventures. These macho themes limit the audience compared to more varied subjects.
There is a degree of ego-stroking, as the whole show enables Momoa to indulge his hobbies with unlimited resources. It feels less like a travelogue than a celebrity vanity project at times.
While visually polished, the series lacks nuance and depth. We get beautiful establishing shots, but not enough substance on the history or cultural impact of what Momoa explores. It’s all surface.
More varied subjects, smarter pacing, and insightful context could elevate On the Roam beyond its flashy-yet-superficial approach. As is, the show spotlights Momoa’s passions in cinematic style, but leaves the audience wanting more.
Enlightening for Niche Interests, Less So for All
On the Roam offers glimpses into specialized realms like vintage motorcycles and art photography. Getting an inside look at these subcultures can be enriching for those already passionate about them.
However, the show lacks comprehensive insight into the featured pastimes. We get engaging behind-the-scenes access but very little meaty historical context or analysis. The education feels surface-level.
Topics are also narrowly tailored to Momoa’s personal interests. For those who share his exact hobbies, this is perfect. But for a more mainstream audience, the subjects may feel esoteric.
While we pick up some interesting tidbits by following Momoa’s exploits, most viewers won’t walk away with substantive new knowledge. This show works better as escapism than an educational journey.
In the end, On the Roam will deeply engage a niche subset of viewers who are alreadyMotorcycle or guitar aficionados. For the casual watcher seeking a cultural education, however, the lessons don’t quite stick.
Will Momoa’s Zeal Pull You In?
Jason Momoa’s epic passion dominates On the Roam. If you find his effusive personality infectious, you’ll gladly ride shotgun on his escapades. But those with low tolerance for adrenaline-junkie antics may tire of the schtick.
There’s plenty to enjoy for Momoa fans. His bombastic but charming screen presence translates perfectly to this travel reality format. And behind his bravado lies genuine excitement to immerse in these hands-on hobbies.
Yet the constant hype can grow exhausting over a full season. The slow-mo shots and emphatic narration scream “Look how epic this is!” after a while. And the focus on Momoa’s niche interests means limited appeal for some.
In the end, On the Roam offers escapist fun for those seeking a virtual road trip with a gregarious guide. Momoa gives excellent backseat adventure, provided you crave his adrenalized brand of exploration. Just be prepared for an exuberant driver who only knows one speed.
For devoted fans, join the ride – quirks and all. The rest can enjoy Momoa’s passion from the sidelines. Wherever you stand, he’ll make sure his roar is heard.
The Review
On the Roam
On the Roam is an enthusiastic if mildly indulgent vanity project that lets Jason Momoa's fans ride shotgun on his adrenaline-filled adventures. The dramatic cinematography and effusive hosting style may overwhelm some, but Momoa's authentic passion still entertains.
- Momoa's infectious enthusiasm and charm
- Beautiful cinematography and production value
- Rare behind-the-scenes access to unique hobbies/subcultures
- Authenticity of Momoa's passion comes through
- Engaging for those who share Momoa's interests
- Indulgent focus on Momoa's niche hobbies
- Overly dramatic/slow-motion shots become excessive
- Lacks substantive historical/cultural context
- Momoa's hosting style may be off-putting to some
- Limited appeal beyond core fans