The iconic ship featured in the Disney+ hit series The Mandalorian will return for the upcoming major motion picture spin-off, The Mandalorian & Grogu. During a presentation at the D23 convention, Lucasfilm revealed a sneak peek teaser of the upcoming film that included a brief shot of the Razor Crest spacecraft. The return of this ship is significant as fans last saw it destroyed at the end of season two of The Mandalorian television show.
The teaser footage shown provided just a glimpse of what’s to come in the film. According to the preview, part of the movie will take place on a frozen, Hoth-like landscape where Snow Troopers and AT-AT walkers were spotted. In one scene, bounty hunter Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal, infiltrates an AT-ST walker, hinting at the action-packed battles fans have come to enjoy from the series. Additionally, Grogu was seen piloting a small craft with two Anzellans, though details about the plot remain unclear.
The Razor Crest was the primary mode of transportation for Din Djarin throughout The Mandalorian series. Its larger interior allowed for transporting bounties and it included a carbon-freezing chamber, making it well-suited for Djarin’s work. After its destruction in season two, he was forced to use a smaller N-1 Naboo Starfighter which lacked cargo space. Though a nostalgic nod to fans, the return of the Razor Crest is also a practical necessity that will allow Djarin to resume his bounty-hunting career while training Grogu, remaining true to the roots of the characters.
Jon Favreau, creator and showrunner of The Mandalorian, will direct the film slated for a 2024 release. He will work alongside Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars veteran Dave Filoni to ensure a smooth transition of the popular characters from TV to the big screen. At 92 scheduled filming days in California, it has also received one of the largest tax credits ever awarded to a movie by the state. While specific cast details are still under wraps, Pedro Pascal is expected to reprise his role as Dinar Djarin through vocal performance or possibly on-camera. cameos from Katee Sackhoff and other Mandalorian actors seem likely as well.
By bringing back the destroyed Razor Crest spacecraft, the film promises to reconnect with what made the series a worldwide phenomenon – the adventures of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin and his young charge Grogu.