Megan Fox has received praise for her thoughtful performance in the upcoming sci-fi film “Subservience.” The movie tells the story of Alice, an android character portrayed with nuance by Fox. Director SK Dale worked closely with Fox on this challenging role, made more difficult by its demanding physical and technical aspects.
In interviews, Dale described Fox’s remarkable memory and ability to learn lines quickly. Fox’s familiarity with Dale from their previous collaboration, 2021’s “Till Death,” helped the actress tackle the intimate scenes in “Subservience” with ease. As an android, Fox minimized blinking and movements to portray the inhuman qualities of her character. Dale utilized post-production effects to further enhance these robotic traits.
The director worked with Fox to push boundaries, especially in scenes showing damage or glitches to the android. Their goal was to craft a believable robotic performance while also allowing Fox to showcase her acting talents. Dale saw Fox’s role in 2009’s “Jennifer’s Body” as influential for the complex character in “Subservience.” He noted the cult classic has received renewed appreciation in recent years.
Dale felt Fox was well-suited to the part due to her experience delivering layered performances. Her talent for precise memorization meshed well with the technical demands of playing a lifelike android. Produced by XYZ Films, “Subservience” is now available digitally. It provides a platform for Fox to flex her skills in a memorable, physically demanding role beyond what she’s done previously.