Film director Alexandra Aja recently provided insight into the ambiguous ending of his latest psychological thriller, “Never Let Go.” The movie tells the story of a mother and her twin sons living in isolation to escape a mysterious threat. In interviews, Aja addressed viewer questions about the fate of the brother characters and themes explored in the film.
“Never Let Go” follows the mother and twins, Sam and Nolan, hiding in a remote cabin from an entity called the Evil. At the end, viewers are left unsure if the Evil is real or a manifestation of the mother’s mental health issues. Aja said there are “multiple interpretations” possible due to the film’s complex layers.
Regarding the brothers, Aja confirmed that Sam remains under the influence of the darkness at the end. In the final scene, Sam says “He loves me,” suggesting the character did not overcome the trauma like his brother. Aja noted a photo shows a spectral hand on Sam’s shoulder, meant to show he will “never get rid of that trauma.”
In comparison, Aja believes Nolan frees himself from the family’s cycle of fear. When Nolan says “We are free,” Aja thinks he truly cuts ties with the past. Aja said Nolan was able to accept what happened and move forward unlike his brother.
The director left the film’s conclusion ambiguous on purpose. While clarifying some details, Aja’s explanations still allow for debate on whether the Evil exists. With an open-ended story and challenging core themes, “Never Let Go” sparks discussion among audiences long after viewing. The movie explores ideas of generational trauma, mental health, and the power of individual perspectives.