Dark Souls 3: The Game Looks Amazing in Unreal Engine 5!

Unreal Engine experiments are not a new phenomenon in themselves. However, they do offer a small glimpse of what a possible remaster might look like, as in the case of Dark Souls 3.

The Unreal Engine has become a staple in the gaming community, providing a platform for popular brands to showcase their games in a new light. Whether it’s the stylistic implementation of classic titles like Zelda, Mario, or Sonic, the Unreal Engine has been a subject of much debate among gamers.

But amidst these debates, one thing is for certain – there are always exciting experiments that push the boundaries of what’s possible with this powerful engine.

Enter “Jonx0r”, a talented modder who has been answering one of the most hotly debated questions in the gaming world – what would Dark Souls 3 look like in Unreal Engine 5?

By learning the intricacies of Unreal Engine 5, Jonx0r has managed to bring elements of the third installment in the Souls series to life, showcasing the graphical improvements that are possible with this engine.

In a stunning YouTube video, Jonx0r takes us on a journey through the Cemetery of Ash, providing a glimpse of what Dark Souls 3 would look like in Unreal Engine 5. The visual leap from the original 2016 title is nothing short of breathtaking, leaving gamers in awe of what’s possible with the Unreal Engine.

Dark Souls 3

The lighting in the Unreal variant of Dark Souls 3 shines with brilliance and elevates the visual quality to new heights. The original, drenched in a monochromatic beige hue, appears lackluster in comparison to the lush and vivid world brought to life by the Unreal engine.

This level of coherence sets this prototype apart from the countless other less-impressive experiments and demonstrates the remarkable talent of the modder.

The Firelink Shrine, in particular, is a standout in the video and has earned high praise from fans of the series. Comments on Youtube and Reddit are filled with excitement and admiration, many claiming that a remaster of Dark Souls 3 should strive to achieve this level of realism.

It is clear that the modder has a passion for creating and improving upon their craft. They have expressed interest in continuing to tinker with the prototype, using it as a means of learning and exploring new techniques. It’s clear that the future holds great things for this talented creator.

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