When Is PlayStation 6 Coming Out? Microsoft Tells Us!

Amid the controversy surrounding the Activision Blizzard takeover, Microsoft reveals the launch of the new console generation.

The competition between Sony and Microsoft in the gaming industry is heating up, with both companies vying for the attention and loyalty of players.

Sony has been in the lead lately, with the highly sought-after Playstation 5 selling like hotcakes. But Microsoft is not one to be left behind, and they have a secret weapon up their sleeve: Game Pass.

Game Pass is like the Netflix of video games, offering subscribers access to a vast library of high-quality titles. To ensure that their subscription remains competitive, Microsoft has been acquiring various publishers and developers.

This has understandably ruffled some feathers at Sony, as it means that some of the games they offer may eventually become exclusive to Xbox consoles.

One of the most popular game series in the world is Call of Duty, and Microsoft has just announced that they plan to acquire the game’s publisher, Activision Blizzard.

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This has caused some concern among Playstation fans, who fear that Call of Duty will no longer be available on their beloved console.

However, Microsoft has clarified that they plan to continue offering Call of Duty on Playstation consoles until the next generation change, which is not expected until at least 2028. So, Sony still has plenty of time to find an alternative to the popular shooter series.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is preparing for the future by acquiring exclusive titles from Activision Blizzard’s rich portfolio. With Game Pass already proving to be a hit among players, it looks like the battle for gaming supremacy is far from over.

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