With a triumphant debut, Street Fighter 6 embraces its rich tradition while introducing bold and innovative choices. Capcom’s sixth installment in this beloved fighting game series learns from past mistakes, offering a fresh and convincing formula that caters to a wide range of players.
Street Fighter 6 acknowledges the importance of providing diverse content, catering not only to online competitive play but also to those who prefer to delve into the game alone to explore movesets and characters. This is where the captivating Story mode of Street Fighter 6 comes into play.
Introducing the World Tour Story Mode
In addition to the classic Arcade mode, Street Fighter 6 introduces a Story mode called World Tour, paying homage to Street Fighter Alpha 3. Within this narrative mode, players have the opportunity to create a personalized avatar and roam the streets of Metro City.
The urban setting of Metro City is not a coincidence but a deliberate reference to the iconic scrolling fighting game, Final Fight, which was released in 1989 and featured characters like Cody and Guy—well-known to Street Fighter fans.
The World Tour mode allows players to earn experience, unlock cosmetic rewards, and learn new moves from the diverse roster of fighters in Street Fighter 6.
Street Fighter 6’s Story mode introduces RPG-like aspects to enhance the player’s journey. Using in-game currency, players can purchase new equipment to boost their statistics, adding a layer of customization to their characters.
Additionally, the skills acquired from defeated opponents can aid in the exploration of Metro City, creating a more immersive experience.
Discovering Metro City and Familiar Faces
World Tour serves as the main Story mode in Street Fighter 6, allowing players to explore Metro City, interact with familiar characters from the series, and uncover numerous tributes to past episodes.
While the narrative tone remains light-hearted, the interludes and encounters in the mode contribute to an enjoyable and instructive experience.
Street Fighter 6’s World Tour Story mode offers a refreshing and immersive single-player experience. Explore the vibrant streets of Metro City, engage in exciting battles, and uncover the rich history of the series.
With its engaging narrative and rewarding gameplay, Street Fighter 6 promises to captivate players, whether they’re new to the franchise or long-time fans.