Giovanni Ribisi, who plays Parker Selfridge in the Avatar film franchise, recently saw early footage from Avatar: Fire and Ash, the upcoming third installment. Ribisi said the footage looked “extraordinary” and “amazing.”
The actor completed additional filming in New Zealand for the sequel two months ago. It was then that he got a first look at some of the post-production work. Ribisi said of the footage, “It’s just extraordinary. I can’t say enough about it. It’s going to be amazing.”
Fans have been eagerly awaiting any details about Avatar: Fire and Ash after director James Cameron opted not to show footage at a recent event. The film is currently in the post-production stage and set for release on December 19, 2025. This will mark several years between installments, similar to the gap for the first two Avatar movies.
The first Avatar in 2009 was a breakthrough, becoming the highest-grossing film ever at the time with its groundbreaking visual effects. The sequel Avatar: The Way of Water continued pushing boundaries when it debuted in 2022, winning an Academy Award for its visuals.
Avatar: Fire and Ash will focus on fire and introduce the “Ash People,” a volcano-dwelling Na’vi clan led by actress Oona Chaplin’s character Varang. Ribisi’s character Parker Selfridge represents corporate interests that often create conflict with the Na’vi. His returning role hints the upcoming films may further deal with colonialism and environmental issues.
James Cameron is renowned for his perfectionist approach, willing to spend over a decade on projects to avoid a “rushed product.” Based on the impressively realistic worlds of the first two Avatar movies, fans have high hopes this meticulous process will again deliver visual spectacles in the new sequel when it hits theaters in late 2025.
The ambitious Avatar saga has two additional installments planned for release in 2029 and 2031. Ribisi’s positive reaction to early footage suggests the next chapter may continue living up to the franchise’s reputation for groundbreaking and immersive storytelling.