Puerto Rican musician Bad Bunny has been cast in an upcoming thriller film from acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky. The movie, titled “Caught Stealing”, is based on a best-selling novel of the same name. Bad Bunny joins a talented ensemble that already includes Austin Butler, Zoë Kravitz, Regina King, Matt Smith, and Liev Schreiber.
“Caught Stealing” follows Hank Thompson, a former baseball player who now works as a bartender in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Hank finds himself in a dangerous situation. Austin Butler is set to play the lead role of Hank. While specific roles for the other cast members like Bad Bunny have not been announced yet.
The screenplay was written by the novel’s author Charlie Huston. It is expected to closely follow the original story. Director Darren Aronofsky is known for his intense films. He has hinted that “Caught Stealing” will feature impactful action scenes that may demonstrate Bad Bunny’s physical abilities.
This marks another step in Bad Bunny’s growing acting career. In 2021, he made his film debut in “F9” and also appeared in the Brad Pitt movie “Bullet Train”. Most recently, he played Mexican wrestler El Hijo del Santo in the biographical film “Cassandro.”
At one point, Bad Bunny was set to star as the title character in Marvel’s “El Muerto”, which would have been their first Latino-led superhero film. However, he left the project earlier this year reportedly due to issues from the writers and actors guild strikes. Marvel says the movie will still move forward with a new lead actor.
As “Caught Stealing” begins production, industry insiders are curious to see how the film turns out. With Aronofsky’s direction and a roster of star talent, expectations are high. While no release date has been set yet, casting announcements suggest filming may start soon. Fans of cinema and Bad Bunny will monitor updates on this promising project.