Academy Award winner Kate Winslet is taking an unapologetic stance against unrealistic Hollywood beauty standards with her raw and unvarnished portrayal of renowned photographer Lee Miller in the upcoming biopic “Lee.” On set, the renowned British actress found herself confronting a member of the production crew who suggested she “sit up straighter” to conceal her “belly rolls” during a bikini scene. Winslet firmly rejected any attempts to disguise her natural physique, insisting that aligning with her character’s authentic journey required embracing her own imperfections as well.
This is just the latest example in Winslet’s long career of pushing back against pressure to adhere to unattainable body ideals. As far back as 2003, she publicly called out GQ magazine for digitally altering her body on a cover shoot. More recently in 2015, she negotiated a contract clause with L’Oreal prohibiting the use of photoshop in her Lancome advertisements. Now in “Lee,” Winslet has taken her advocacy to a new level by intentionally avoiding exercise in the months leading up to filming so that her on-screen appearance more accurately reflects the toll of such an intense real-life role.
“I take pride in it [looking less than perfect] because it is my life on my face, and that matters. It wouldn’t occur to me to cover that up,” Winslet told Harper’s Bazaar UK of allowing her wrinkles and other natural signs of aging to shine through unchanged. However, she expresses concern over Hollywood’s growing reliance on controversial new weight loss drugs like Ozempic, worried it may discourage performers from accepting their natural looks. As the award-magnet “Lee” prepares to debut at film festivals, Winslet continues serving as a powerful voice empowering women to feel comfortable in their own skin, on screen and off.