Renowned South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun is set to take the lead role in an upcoming Disney+ crime drama series titled “Knock-Off.” Scheduled for release in 2025, the series will explore the underworld of counterfeit goods. Kim will play the complex character of Kim Sung-joon, an ordinary office worker whose life takes a dramatic turn after losing his job during Asia’s 1997 financial crisis. He gets involved in the illegal counterfeit trade and eventually rises to the top as a global kingpin.
Joining Kim in the cast is actress Jo Bo-ah, known for her roles in “Tale of the Nine Tailed” and “Military Prosecutor Doberman.” She will portray Song Hye-jung, a police officer who specializes in enforcing counterfeit laws. Her character happens to be Sung-joon’s ex-girlfriend, setting up a tense dynamic as their jobs put them in an ongoing cat-and-mouse game.
The series is being written by experienced screenwriter Han Jung-hoon, known for dramas like “Song of the Bandits” and “38 Task Force.” Renowned director Park Hyun-suk, who helmed projects including “Song of the Bandits” and “Stranger 2,” will direct. Their credits indicate the production will deliver high quality.
Disney+ has been expanding its Korean content aggressively. More than 10 Korean titles were released in 2024 alone on the growing slate. Past hits for the platform include “Moving,” “Big Bet,” and “The Worst of Evil.” “A Shop for Killers” was the most viewed local original series in the Asia-Pacific region on Disney+ in 2024.
Kim’s involvement in “Knock-Off” comes after his success leading the romantic drama “Queen of Tears” on tvN last year. It achieved record viewership numbers, surpassing even the popular “Crash Landing on You.” The series also saw strong viewership internationally on Netflix. When asked about his process for choosing roles, Kim shared that he looks for characters with charm that he’s eager to bring to life on screen.